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    Have a wonderful day my friends!

    Thanks Flickr for choosing my photo in Your Best Shot 2013: Enter the Microcosm

    | My YouTube Video | My Group

    Taken with my Sony SLT a65V with my Tamron SP AF60mm f/2 DI II LD (IF) 1:1 macro lens

    coollessons2004, Voss-Nilsen, Egle Lug, Damon Finlay et 1054 autre(s) personne(s) ont ajouté cette photo dans leurs favoris.

    Afficher la suite des commentaires (20)

    1. gwnam.2008 il y a 2 mois | réponse

      wow, very special!

    2. adamlai1 il y a 2 mois | réponse

      A powerful shot, a very good photo!

    3. Mrzalp il y a 6 semaines | réponse

      lovely photo well done

    4. janeswalden il y a 6 semaines | réponse

      This beautiful flower seen in :

      "Flickrs Awesome Blossoms"
      Post 1 Award 3

      Please TAG your photo "Awesome Blossoms".

      Don't forget, If you receive 4 Awards from this group
      Post Here
      If you receive 5+ Awards from this group
      Post Here

    5. abtahiun il y a 3 semaines | réponse

    6. g.zeidman il y a 8 jours | réponse

      beautiful light!

    7. prettygirllovesu il y a 7 jours | réponse

      my fav color is blue i luv this pic

    8. aymgo il y a 3 jours | réponse

      The light is absolutely stunning. Fantastic shot !

    9. matthew031085 il y a 3 jours | réponse

      ... No words, or just one. Amazing! Very Good job. It looks like the Tamron is an excellent lens too!

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