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    Unknown species, found in home. From now the amount of insects reduce serious, before that Malaysian can easier heard the chirps and whirrs of insects, but now all disappear, over develop will reduce the amount of wild animal, i really wish our Malaysia government can pay attention in this matter, find the solution to protect them.

    andyeshot, Christian Horne Photography, William Fam, aamez et 139 autre(s) personne(s) ont ajouté cette photo dans leurs favoris.

    1. Franafricano il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Great work!To my FAV! have a nice friday, my friend,

    2. dianealdrich il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Amazing detail. Have a wonderful weekend :-)

    3. morysept il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      great macro, wow amazing tank you

    4. enzzo_ il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      wonderful capture

    5. ODE PHOTO il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Great done , great capture -

    6. ClaudioGr il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Fantastic!!!!! Great image..i'm jealous

    7. von_fumetti il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Amazing...I look forward to seeing more.

    8. Rosi_91 il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Una fotografia estupenda / Very beautiful picture,
      Gracias por compartir esta hermosa imagen / Thanks for sharing this excellent image
      Foto vista en / See in: Mis contactos
      Esta fotografía ha sido añadida a / This picture has been added to: Mis favoritas

    9. Icebergovich il y a 5 semaines | réponse

      Wow, superb marco shot! I'm stunned

    10. gráce il y a 8 jours | réponse

      Someone from Cerambycidae I suppose... :)
      Great macro!

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