

Eli Fennell

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Discussing auto-posting to social networks over on Twitter.  There are a lot of tools to do this, like BundlePost.  I don't use any of them, myself.

Would love to hear you Tweet your thoughts on this.  Do you use auto-posting tools?  If so, what do you like about them?  If not, what do you think about them?  Let me know.
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Ken Bruceรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Eli Fennellรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Yaseen Dadabhayรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Kahn Knight
10 ความคิดเห็น
+Anthony Russo Agreed.  But it's not my personal thing, I'm liking the different flows of conversation, and by having different conversations in different places, I can say "Hey, Tweeters, check out this discussion on Google+", etc..., whereas if I just cross-post, it's all the same thing and no reason to join me here or there.
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Peter Gregg

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Such a cool story and the power and reach of Social Media for good.
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Peter Greggรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ selwan ahmedรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Anil Tambe
6 ความคิดเห็น
+Peter Gregg thank you very much
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Joe Smith

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
First Christmas

Source: Beautiful seasonal photography by Erin Vey
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Fabienne Reyes bobilloรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ สุนทรี สุนสันเขตรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ bruno martinsรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Marco Krebs
5 ความคิดเห็น
So Lovely Charming photo thank dear Friend +Joe Smith  y wish a Beautiful Evening For you a sweet and Happy week and send You Friendly Kisses From France!!
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Rob Zaleski

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Twitter Testing Some Local Flair
According to +TechCrunch and +The Wall Street Journal, Twitter is testing a "tweets nearby" feature that will show users tweets from people around them, whether they follow or not. Looks to be taking a page from +HootSuite, wouldn't you say, +Mike Allton?

h/t to +Jack C Crawford for sharing.

#Local   #Twitter
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Mike Alltonรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Rob Zaleski
2 ความคิดเห็น
Exactly what I was thinking, +Mike Allton. I think the hyperlocality would be a great step, and it will hopefully also help people locate tweets from local businesses. A definite incentive for businesses to turn on that function in Twitter should this go live. 
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+Campaign Against Anti-Islam Movie (Join Us) 
+peace co 

Follow @CaaimJoinUs on Twitter
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Farrukh Khurshedรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ mdost afridiรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ saya habebahรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ N Hussain
4 ความคิดเห็น
mashhalllah kya kehna us ki shaan ki
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When are you posting your businesses' social media posts? #google+   #facebook   #twitter
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Thomas Sanjurjo

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Hey Catholics of G+!

Let's get #HappyBirthdayPapa trending tomorrow!

Make sure to wish him a happy birthday on Twitter as well '@Pontifex'
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Jennifer Eรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Lisa Josephsdatterรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Patty Garzaรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Michelle Huhn
12 ความคิดเห็น
::slips a pillow on the desk::
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Jason ON

Business/Marketing  - 
Has social media helped your book's sales?

How? No, really. How? Inquiring minds want to know. 
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Brooke Johnsonรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Nathan Lowell
3 ความคิดเห็น
if it wasn't for social media, i probably would have sold 5-10% of the number of books i've actually sold. the majority of my sales have been because of my interactions through Google+
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Campaign Against Anti-Islam Movie (Join Us)

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
+Campaign Against Anti-Islam Movie (Join Us) 
+peace co 

Follow @CaaimJoinUs on Twitter
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ ADNAN ALIรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Bakhtawar Qureshiรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Salman Qureshiรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Nancy janve
4 ความคิดเห็น
nice post!
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แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 

cr: lsm3716@twitter(Lee Sangmin)
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Isabelle Chaรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Myung Soo L
2 ความคิดเห็น
Shin Soohyun 

Mike Allton

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
How to Make the Most of Your HootSuite Account

HootSuite is one of the most advanced social media management tools available. It's also one of the most dense and complicated. Whether you're using the Free or the Pro account, the dashboard can be, frankly, intimidating!

Over time, I've come to appreciate just how powerful the HootSuite tool is, and have created a series of articles to help you come to the same conclusions I have. Here's what we've got so far:

01. How to Set Up HootSuite for Social Media Success -

02. How to Set Up HootSuite Tabs & Streams -

03. How to Craft and Schedule Social Media Posts Using HootSuite -

04. How to Use HootSuite to Share an Image -

05. How to set up a Twitter Chat in HootSuite -

06. How to Automate Social Media Activity with HootSuite -

07. How to Use HootSuite to Curate and Share Content -

08. How to Access HootSuite via Web, Mobile, App or Extension -

09. How to Bulk Schedule Messages using HootSuite -

10. How to use HootSuite for Social Listening -

11. How to Set Up and Use HootSuite Teams -

12. How to use HootSuite Shortened Links and Parameters -

13. How to Hone your Social Media Skills Using HootSuite University -

Stay tuned for more articles on measuring social media success within HootSuite, daily HootSuite routines, and more.

If you have any questions about HootSuite, gimmie a shout! And if you'd like to be notified when future articles are posted, let me know.

Happy Hooting!

#SocialMedia #HootSuite #SocialMediaManagement #HootSuiteSeries #HowTo 
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Mike Alltonรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ K. Honkonenรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Mike Kincaidรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Angelo Karageorgos
2 ความคิดเห็น
+Phillip Manker you're welcome!
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David Amerland

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Social Media At Work

Social media usage at work is a contentious issue. If nothing else it highlights the disconnect that exists between employers and employees just as we are all beginning to realise the importance of social media in marketing and the value that rises out of connectivity.  Take the jump to see what the issues are:
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Jeff Jockischรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Harmesh Rohiraรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Carla Ethenรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Eileen O'Duffy
3 ความคิดเห็น
Speaking from the perspective of someone who managed IT for a number of years social media is most definitely a taboo subject and as mentioned in the article (if I read it correctly) some of that mistrust comes from management not knowing and trusting what's going on.

I disagree with ROI not being measurable also, it most definitely is and it's how people like me make money by helping businesses engage with social.

Where "staff" become involved it does get a little more complex and I have been know to draft 30-50 page AUP policies for companies that specifically state that social is out of bounds and is also blocked.

I don't think I'd take that stance today if I was an IT Manager though...

Great article +David Amerland and thanks.
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Anthony Raffini

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Us avid G+ users know the value of the platform. We know the importance of of how search fits into the platform and how much the tools G+ has can benefit everyone. Everything from hangouts to the long-form style of posts and comments that tends to provoke meaningful conversations are some of the thing we enjoy.

While we've enjoyed this, for the last year or so I've also noticed that there is an attitude on G+ to condemn other social networks and to treat it as an exclusive means for social networking. I think this is the wrong way to spread the word about what is good about it.

We need to be using social platforms like twitter that link to our G+ profiles. Let the long form content of G+ be the home of your content and use other platforms to link to it. If we treat G+ like a walled garden then it will be one.


+Eli Fennell I'd appreciate a reshare since you're the biggest G+ influencer that I actually communicate with fairly regularly. I know you may also be having similar thoughts lately. If you agree then feel free to add your thoughts to this.
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Eli Fennellรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Lubos Kuzma


แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
1. Social search with Graph Search which allows anyone to search and find terms in posts, updates, check-ins, pages, apps, groups, and comments from your friends or those who post publicly. This can help marketers stay up to date with and aware of the trends and behaviors of Facebook users, helps them to create better content and track brand mentions by influencers.

2. The clickable #hashtags that were created to “help people more easily discover what others are saying about a specific topic and participate in public conversations.” This is a huge leap for marketers in terms of content discovery as it helps them to see popular sentiments around a certain topic and allows them to have a better understanding of their target audience and create content that is of interest to them.

3. The News Feed algorithm with a new 20% rule which aims to provide a “customized newspaper”- like experience, which includes new features that have a big impact for marketers such as, the new rule for ads: “Images in ads can't be made up of more than 20% text.” According to Facebook, “Using images with minimal text makes your content engaging and ensures that people only see high quality content in News Feed.”

Stay tuned, we will be announcing #Twitter’s most important updates in 2013!

#SocialMedia #SocialMediaAdvertising #Tattlr
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แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
side.E 2014 Eli Calendar
Details here:

cr: sideE6@twitter
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Isabelle Cha

Lil Wayne

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Follow @TRUKFIT on Twitter and RT for your chance to win an exclusive gift from the TRUKFIT family! Watch the video below!

TRUKFIT Apparel Presents: The Making Of The TRUKFIT Chain
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Александр Гизатуллинรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ FlacCity Paparazzi
Follow +FlacCity Paparazzi for Celebrity pictures, videos, and MORE!!
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matthew rappaport

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
We got Apple stores.. but now we got Microsoft and Sony stores..
with Google stores sposedly on their way..

Are we going to have Twitter, FB, and Pinterest stores too?!
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Sean Cowenรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ C Bret Campbellรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ sooty bitzรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ matthew rappaport
10 ความคิดเห็น
lmfao we're all IN AGREEMENT .. on.. AHH but it'd be funny to see!
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The Huffington Post UK

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Lost Teddy Bear Reunited With Little Girl After Fantastic Twitter & Facebook Hunt (PICTURES)

By +Sara Nelson 

A little girl has been reunited with her lost teddy bear – thanks to the combined powers of Facebook and Twitter.

Phoebe Simpson accidentally left ‘Roar’ (who is actually a lion, by the way) on an East Coast train to Kings Cross this weekend.

Luckily passenger Lauren Vranch came across the well-loved toy and took to Twitter to help track down his owner.
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ ThisIsAlice xรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Neil Fraserรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Adam Hutchersonรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Parivash Rostamian
My darling, my true love!
How much I love you, God only knows
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Eli Fennell

แชร์กับสาธารณะ  - 
Someone on Twitter thinks we have fewer cat pictures on Google+.

They should come around here on a Saturday some night.
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รูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Michael Ellisรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Ken Johnsonรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Mike Lewisรูปภาพโปรไฟล์ของ Eli Fennell
11 ความคิดเห็น
+Rahul Roy Clearly.
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