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Syndicate contentOpen Government Partnership - US National Action Plan

Making the US Government More Open and Accountable

The government released a preview of its second National Action Plan in October, and will finalize the plan by the end of the year.

Take a look at civil society's model National Action Plan here.

See the US government's commitments in the first NAP, the open government community's work, and our recommendations at OpenGovPartners and MakeOpenGovernmentWork.
Learn more about what government openness can accomplish here.

Reining in “Controlled Unclassified” Information: Time to Get the Job Done

The following analysis is cross-posted with permission from the Center for Effective Government. Orignally published here:

Recommitment to Making Agencies More Open. Will It Succeed?

Within the open government community, the acronym OGP generally refers to the Open Government Partnership: the international platform the US helped launch in 2011 that requires governments to work with civil society organizations to develop plans with concrete commitments to make the government more open and accountable. Before 2011 and the international initiative, the letters were sometimes used to refer to the Open Government Plans the Obama Administration required each federal agency to develop and to update every two years. One of the commitments included in the latest plan the US released as part of its participation in the international OGP could help refocus agency attention on these open government plans and make government information more easily available to the public.

Foreign Assistance Transparency in the NAP : The Highlights and What’s Next

The following analysis is cross-posted with permission from Publish What You Fund.

Earlier this month, the U.S. released a new plan detailing the commitments and priorities for the next two years under the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Devil in the Details with New Commitments to Improve FOIA

On December 8, the Administration committed to taking a series of concrete steps in the next two years with the goal of improving implementation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The steps include: creating a consolidated online FOIA service; developing common FOIA regulations; scaling up targeted efforts to make processing requests more efficient (sharing best practices); establishing a FOIA Modernization Advisory Committee; and improving FOIA training. If the government meets these commitments, will it actually be any easier for the public to ask for and receive government information?

US Releases Ambitious, Focused Plan for Open Government

Today the Administration delivered a new round of commitments to the Open Government Partnership that show they are listening to domestic civil society organizations and to the concerns of the broader international community.

NAP Consultation: Consumer and Medical Transparency posts summaries of meetings on the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan between civil society members and the administration. Summaries from the first National Action Plan can be found at

Facing Surveillance and National Security as a Member of the OGP

As a co-founder of the Open Government Partnership, the United States is perfectly placed to model open government’s potential and to set a high bar of ambition for member countries’ action plans. The US’ plans, successes, failures, and neglects are placed in a glaring spotlight. A statement of concern addressed to the new OGP co-Chairs from more than 100 civil society organizations from across the globe called out a significant threat to open government found in many OGP member countries: the secret surveillance of the communications of millions.

NAP Consultation: FOIA Commitments in the Preview Plan posts summaries of meetings on the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan between civil society members and the administration. Summaries from the first National Action Plan can be found at


NAP Consultation: Data Commitments in the Preview Plan posts summaries of meetings on the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan between civil society members and the administration. Summaries from the first National Action Plan can be found at


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