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OTG Holds Town Hall on Foreign Aid and Security Assistance Transparency

OTG held a community Town Hall event yesterday featuring speakers with years of experience promoting public access to information on U.S. security and development aid.

RSVP for September 9 Open Government Town Hall – Foreign Aid and Security Assistance Transparency

This September’s Town Hall will feature dynamic speakers who will engage in a lively discussion about government and civil society initiatives underway to make available information on foreign aid and security assistance, and impediments that remain for the public to access such information. The speakers have years of experience engaging in efforts to improve public access to information on U.S. security and development aid.

Open Government Town Hall Tomorrow on September 29

If you are in the DC area, please join us for our next open government community town hall on Monday, September 29 from noon - 2! hosts these quarterly events to give open government enthusiasts the opportunity to connect with each other, and share information about the great work going on at their organizations.

Open Government Town Hall Tomorrow on May 28

Join OTG at an Open Government Community Town Hall from 12 to 2pm ET on Wednesday, May 28th. Attendees will have the opportunity to share their organization’s activities and reconnect with other partners in the community. Rick Blum of the Sunshine in Government Initiative will kick things off with an overview of the FOIA Files, an interactive resource of journalism made possible by the Freedom of Information Act.

RSVP for January 23 Open Government Townhall

On January 23 from noon - 2 pm (eastern) will host a community "town hall" to help groups share their early plans for Sunshine Week 2014 (March 16 - 22). During the week several organizations across the country, including us, host events, launch reports and campaigns, and host other awareness-building activities. Unfortunately in years past, some of these activities have ended up competing against rather than complementing each other.

January Town Hall Planned for Early Sunshine Week Talks

In mid-January will be hosting a community "town hall" to help groups share their early plans for Sunshine Week 2014 (March 16 - 22). As you likely know, Sunshine Week, which is centered around James Madison's birthday, is a national initiative to promote public understanding of open government issues.

The Classified Section

Check out our new blog, The Classified Section, for analysis of national security secrecy.

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