Andrea Dezsö 

Andrea Dezsö's new, site-specific installation:
Opening Reception and Artist Talk on Friday, August 17th, 5 to 7 pm

Exhibition: August 17 - September 12, 2012 • TIDES INSTITUTE AND MUSEUM OF ART
43 Water Street• Eastport • Maine • 04631 • USA


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Andrea Dezsö is a visual artist who works across a broad range of media including drawing, artist's books, cut paper, embroidery, sculpture, site-specific installation, animation and large-scale public art.

Community Garden, Dezsö's large-scale public mosaic installed in the New York City subway was awarded Best American Public Art in 2007. Her second permanent public art project for the NYC subway, Nature Rail, a 58 panel stainless steel work, was installed in Brooklyn in 2012. Dezsö's most recent public art, Blueberry Garden, a 45-foot mosaic for the United States Embassy in Bucharest, Romania, will be installed in the fall of 2012. Dezsö exhibits in museums and galleries around the world, and teaches widely.

Dezsö is represented by the Nancy Margolis Gallery in New York, Frey Norris Contemporary & Modern in San Francisco, and Pucker Gallery in Boston.

She is Assistant Professor of Art at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA.