Performance Tips & Tricks

Performance tips & tricks

For our October meetup we are pleased to welcome the front-end team from Flickr presenting for us various tips and tricks to build high performance websites!




We'll have 3 talks:

  • Using Web Workers for fun and profit: parsing EXIF in the client (Chris Berry)

Exif, exchangeable image file format, describes various sets of metadata stored in a photo. Really interesting metadata, like image titles, descriptions, lens focal lengths, camera types, image orientation, even GPS data! I'll go over the methods to extracting this data on the front-end, in real-time, using web workers.

  • The Grid: How we show 10,000 photos on a page without crashing your browser (Scott Schiller)

Flickr's latest Web-based Uploadr interface uses HTML5 APIs to push bytes en masse. Its real power, however, is the UI which enables users to add and edit the metadata of hundreds of photos while they are uploading in the background.

Handling the selection, display and management of large numbers of photos in a browser UI meant that the Uploadr project needed to be designed for scalability from the ground up.

This talk will go into some of the details of the Uploadr "Grid" UI,
technical notes and performance findings made during its development.

Touch interfaces are amazing. Touch devices are amazingly slow. Stephen Woods will share hard-won advice for building responsive touch-based interfaces using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. He also reveals how Star Trek: The Next Generation predicted the need for instant user feedback in a touch-based UI and how Tivos slow UI was made bearable by a simple "bloop" sound.



  • 18:30 :: Check-in & Mingle
  • 18:45 :: Introductions & Presentation
  • 20:00 :: Questions and Answer & Open Form
  • 20:30 :: Networking & Discussion
  • ??? :: Beers at the pub!


Citizen Space is located at:

425 2nd Street, Suite 100

San Francisco, CA




Akamai - Optimize Content & Media Delivery

Strangeloop provides advanced front-end optimization (FEO) solutions to companies like eBay/PayPal, Visa, and O'Reilly Media.

FlickrAlmost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world.


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