Former high-ranking official at Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas indicted on felony charge

Jerry Cobbs

AUSTIN  — A former high-ranking official of Texas’ cancer-fighting agency was indicted on a state felony in connection with a $11 million grant to a Dallas-based biotechnology firm, prosecutors announced Friday.

Jerald “Jerry” Cobbs is accused of securing execution of a document by deception. State law prohibits a person from causing another to sign a document affecting a financial interest.

Cobbs worked for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas as chief commercialization officer for three years, resigning in November, 2012. He was the agency’s point person in efforts to help for-profit companies try to develop better ways to treat cancer.

The indictment by a Travis County grand jury could be a major blow to CPRIT and Gov. Rick Perry if Cobbs is convicted.

CPRIT is considered one of Perry’s signature accomplishments. Corruption in an agency that the governor championed could shadow Perry on the presidential campaign trail if he seeks the GOP nomination for President in 2016.

Texas voted in 2007 to establish CPRIT and allow it to find up to $3 billion for cancer research and prevention programs. It was the second largest source of money to fight cancer, behind only the government’s National Cancer Institute.

The grand jury indictment of Cobbs comes a year after the Travis County District Attorney’s office opened a criminal investigation into CPRIT. Prosecutors acted after the small state agency confirmed it had awarded the Peloton grant without the required scientific or business review.

In November, 2012, Cobbs resigned as chief commercialization officer and CPRIT said it was handling his departure as a personnel matter and would not comment.

Later that month, CPRIT said Cobbs improperly placed the award to Peloton Therapeutics on the June, 2010 agenda of the oversight committee, which ratified it.

A 2012 CPRIT report quoted Cobbs as saying he thought Peloton was being placed on the oversight committee agenda for research on the firm, not funding.

The report also said Cobbs said he first heard of Peloton in May or June, 2010. Cobbs said Dr. Alfred Gilman, then the agency’s chief scientific officer, called him and said he “liked the story” of the company, the report says.

The agency said Cobbs and Gilman had exchanged emails about Peloton’s proposal, but those emails were gone.

The attorney general’s office used its Computer Forensics Unit to recover them as part of its civil investigation of CPRIT.

Shortly after CPRIT’s disclosures about the Peloton grant, the Travis County District Attorney’s office opened a criminal investigation and the attorney general’s office launched a civil probe.

Although criminal prosecutors didn’t identify targets in their investigation, Bill Gimson, the agency’s former executive director, and Gilman were not allowed to testify to a legislative committee in February because their remarks could have given them immunity from possible indictment or prosecution.

Cobbs was not invited to appear at the committee meeting.
Prior to his hiring by CPRIT in November, 2009, Cobbs was a principal and managing director of a New York-based private equity health care venture fund for eight years.

He served on the board of a group that reviewed proposals for funding by the Emerging Technology Fund, another of Perry’s pet projects.

Cobbs also is a former assistant director of technology development at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Agency officials last year said Peloton “was unaware CPRIT processes had not been followed” and played no role in placing the award on the oversight committee agenda.

The indictment comes as CPRIT has resumed its chief mission of awarding money for cancer research and prevention efforts.

In June, Perry signed a bill into law that restructures the agency’s leadership and imposes new conflict-of-interest prohibitions on officials, donors, and grant recipients.

A new oversight panel has been appointed, and a year-old moratorium on new grants was lifted.

Cobbs’ indictment came six months after Perry used a line-item veto to take away state funding for the Public Integrity Unit because Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg wouldn’t resign.

Shortly after her arrest in April on drunken-driving charges, Lehmberg she wouldn’t resign. If she had done so, Perry would have appointed her successor, a rare opportunity to fill the slot. Lehmberg was convicted and did jail time.

Texans for Public Justice, a liberal advocacy group, filed a complaint against Perry, alleging he violated state laws prohibiting coercion and bribery among others.

Because Lehmberg had a conflict of interest in the matter, the case was referred to a special prosecutor, former federal prosecutor Michael McCrum of San Antonio.



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