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Jack Jack
Member since:
December 18, 2013
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85 (Level 1)

Open Question

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Was it wrong of me to yell at my little sister for being a c.ockblock?

I am 26 years old and I have a 19 year old sister. She's been living with me ever since our parents passed away. Now I love her and all but she can be incredibly annoying. Whenever I have a girl over, she'd come and interrogate them. She even does it in public. I have told her countless times to stop but she literally says "guys only think with their ding dongs" and that she's only trying to protect me. Now apart from that blatant sexism, I find it incredibly unnecessary for my younger sibling to get involved in my sex life like that. I don't confront any of the guys she dates, she has no right to confront anyone I'm involved with. We're both adults capable of making rational decisions. The other day, my patience ran out and I exploded in anger. I yelled at her for like 5 minutes straight, I've never been so angry at her before. I told her that this is my house, I am paying the bills and she is simply a guest in my house. I told her that if this behavior continues, I'd kick her out and let her find her own place. I don't think I really meant it, I was just angry.

Was it wrong of me to yell at her like that?

Answer Question

This question about "Was it wrong of me t… " was originally asked on Yahoo Answers Canada

Answers (1)

  • ladyhawke707 by ladyhawk...
    Member since:
    September 24, 2007
    Total points:
    25,932 (Level 7)
    Yes it was, you need to set healthy boundaries. Both you and your sister need to see a family therapist because I think she has an unnatural fear of losing you to another women just like she lost her parents. Your sister might even be in love with you but knowing it is wrong she is unable to tell you.

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