Sunshine Week Program

Senators call for FOIA compliance, full implementation of the 2016 FOIA reforms

In the spirit of Sunshine Week, and National Freedom of Information Day, Senators Feinstein, Leahy, Cornyn, and Grassley sent letters to the Trump Administration on March 15, 2017, calling for full compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and strong implementation of the 2016 FOIA reforms. The letters request information on the specific steps that are underway to carry out the reforms passed last year, and to improve proactive disclosure of information. 

Join us on March 13th to Celebrate Sunshine Week

Sunshine Week 2017 will take place March 12th to 18th, throughout Washington, DC, and across the country. On Wednesday, March 15th, OTG is co-sponsoring an event at the Newseum Institute’s First Amendment Center, featuring a panel discussion hosted by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) and the Newseum Institute, Accessing Information in the Trump Administration.

FOI Day Mock Caucus Sparks Debate on Transparency Priorities

On March 11th, joined the Newseum Institute, the American Society of News Editors, Sunshine Week, and the American Library Association in hosting National Freedom of Information Day at the Newseum. Among the day’s full schedule of events, OTG organized a mock caucus allowing attendees to weigh in on which of four issues presented they viewed as the top policy priorities for strengthening accountability and open government in 2017.

Watch: Freedom of Information Day 2015

On March 13th, presented two panels in partnership with the Newseum Institute, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Sunshine in Government Initiative, and the American Library Association.

The 16th Annual National Freedom of Information Day Conference: March 13, 2015

The conference will begin at 8:15 a.m. and end after a midday program. It will be held at the Knight Studio at the Newseum. Attendees should use the “C Street” (Group) entrance to the Newseum, which will open at 7:45 a.m. for this program only. Admission to the FOI Day program is not paid admission to the Newseum, which opens at 9 a.m.

RSVP: FOI Day March 13, 2015

The 16th annual FOI Day program will feature a discussion of “Open Government: Successes, Challenges, Prospects,” presented by, a discussion of the first ten years of the “Sunshine Week” national open records initiative, presented by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the American Society of News Editors, and much more. Learn about the complete program here.

January Town Hall Planned for Early Sunshine Week Talks

In mid-January will be hosting a community "town hall" to help groups share their early plans for Sunshine Week 2014 (March 16 - 22). As you likely know, Sunshine Week, which is centered around James Madison's birthday, is a national initiative to promote public understanding of open government issues.