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In the latest NSA scandal plot twist, Britain has been accused of spying on Germany from its embassy in Berlin. German politicians are demanding consequences, but observers are hardly surprised by the revelations. What kind of message do the latest revelations send? Can EU countries present a European front if they are spying on each other? (csc) #nsa #nsascandal
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Profielfoto van Snow AndrewsProfielfoto van Terrence Lee Reed
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German response to NSA scandal reflects country’s changing role Berlin rules out asylum for Edward Snowden, but his revelations mark a possible turn in relations with Washington. The question is in which direction. Jason Overdorf November 5, 2013 12:06 | GlobalPost BERLIN, Germany — Government officials are swiftly backpedaling on the possibility of offering asylum or safe passage to the American whistleblower Edward Snowden as the potential damage to US relations sinks in. “There is no reason to grant asylum to Edward Snowden. He is not facing political persecution,” Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich told a Munich newspaper Tuesday, apparently squashing mounting calls for an agreement for Snowden to testify before a parliamentary committee here. Offering the former NSA contractor a deal would be “the termination letter for the transatlantic partnership” between Germany and the US, Free Democratic Party chairman Christian Lindner told the Berliner Zeitung. But the real news lies between the lines, and reflects the authorities’ gr
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Anne Racel

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Kim JongUn

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#Schmidt : NSA spying on Google "not OK" | “Is Schmidt an #American ?” @BaiduMobile
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Scott Shafer

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NSA seems much more concerned about watching citizens...
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Openbaar gedeeld  - post (NIST to review its cryptographic standards, hopes to regain trust in wake of NSA scandals) has been published on ECGADGET.COM
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i, so amazed by the complicated matter
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Holger Fischer

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In Anlehnung an die Redewendung "Pharisäer" tauchen natürlich sehr viele Fragen auf. Wie könnten Pharisäer aussehen? Ist es möglich, Pharisäer optisch zu klassifizieren?

Immerhin heucheln die uns ja nun vor, nichts gewusst zu haben - von dieser NSA-Affäre. Das kann aber nicht sein. Den Fraktions-Vorsitzenden aller Parteien wird nämlich Bericht erstattet.....vom militärischen Abschirmdienst, vom BND und so weiter. 

Alle Parteien heucheln uns also vor, nichts gewusst zu haben....
Profielfoto van Andreas EschrichProfielfoto van Rainer WeinhonigProfielfoto van Reiner SchischkeProfielfoto van Waltraud Schlimm
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Auf dem Bild sind jedenfalls viele dabei.
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Wolfgang Gierls

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Deutschland belegt laut EF English Proficiency Index (EPI) einen schlechten Platz hinsichtlich der Englisch Kenntnisse. Uns, als Volk der Dichter und Denker, kann so etwas nur mit Absicht passieren. Im Gegensatz zu Frau Merkel gehen wir mit unserer öffentlichen Kommunikation vorsichtig um, und erschweren der #NSA das Leben, wo es nur geht. Zum Beispiel beim Lesen der Mails durch ein bewusst schlechtes Englisch .-)
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EXCLUSIVE: 'There are two possible ways for Snowden to stay in Germany'

Hans-Christian Ströbele, German politician and lawyer, discussed with the #VoR his meeting with Edward #Snowden . He talked about the evidence of #NSA spying on Angela Merkel that the former CIA contractor has and possible asylum in #Germany for him:
Photo: EPA
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Michael Cormier

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I don't tend to post political stuff very often, but this is genuinely important.

Do NOT give the NSA an inch. Support the "USA Freedom Act" and reject the "FISA Improvements Act". The "FISA Improvements Act" does nothing to stop what the NSA's mass surveillance efforts. The only reform this bill provides is MAYBE some more oversight in the process with no intentions of banning it.

The "USA Freedom Act" will put a legal stop to at least some of the NSA's spying efforts. Voting this bill up will send the message that America is not going to settle for domestic spying for even a moment no matter how well done the oversight may be. PLEASE write to your elected officials! Turn down the "FISA Improvements Act"! Vote for the "USA Freedome Act"!
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Google's Schmidt says NSA spying outrageous if true - WSJ - Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said widespread U.S. government spying on its data centers would be outrageous and potentially illegal if true, the Wall Street Journal reported. "It's really outrageous that the NSA was looking between the Google data centers, if that's true," Schmidt said in an interview. "The steps that the organization was willing to do without good judgment to pursue...
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Andy Schryvers

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The nsa can't take a joke 
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#UK knows it gave up privacy to Govt years ago » Report: NSA among worst offenders of mass surveillance, Snowden says
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Russ Revoir

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Senator Diane Feinstein and other pro-spying-on-civilians Senators are pushing something called the “FISA Improvements Act” as NSA reform – but it actually legalizes mass surveillance instead of banning it.

They’re working to draw attention from a bill that would ban the bulk collection of phone data on you, the USA Freedom Act – a bill that has extremely rare, and precious, support from both the Progressive left and the Tea Party right.

Americans across the political spectrum are beyond tired of the NSA spying on us instead of taking on real threats to our safety – and this is our first chance since the Patriot Act to not just stop the worst from happening, but proactively do something good, together.
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Voff Uggla

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New details about the NSA spying, by Democracy Now! Part 2

" - As Edward Snowden seeks clemency from the United States, the New York Times has revealed new details about how the National Security Agency is spying on targets ranging from the United Nations to foreign governments to global text messages. We are joined by New York Times reporter Scott Shane, who reports that the NSA has "as an electronic omnivore of staggering capabilities, eavesdropping and hacking its way around the world to strip governments and other targets of their secrets, all the while enforcing the utmost secrecy about its own operations."
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No clemency for ex-NSA leaker Ed Snowden: US officials - If Edward J. Snowden believes he deserves clemency for his disclosures of classified government documents because they provoked an important public de...
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DW (Deutsch)

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Kanzleramtsminister Ronald Pofalla verkündete am 12. August, Deutschland werde einfach ein No-Spy-Abkommen mit den USA abschließen. Wenn das dem "Five Eyes"-Abkommen ähnelt, geht es dabei aber auch um gemeinsames Abhören. (imo) #NSA
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Profielfoto van Hans Jürgen KeßnerProfielfoto van Mario Hielscher
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Das "In-die-Tasche-Lügen" ist eine der Grundvoraussetzungen, um in der Politik erfolgreich zu sein.
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