GOP mute as Supreme Court tackles gay marriage

An anti gay marriage sign is pictured on the left of this composite image. A newly married gay couple is in the right frame. |AP Photos

Neither John Boeher nor Eric Cantor is talking about gay marriage. | AP Photos

House Republican leaders had a uniform response to the Supreme Court’s decision to take up gay marriage: silence.

The high court’s decision last week to hear two cases relating to same-sex marriage puts that issue at the center of the national debate. And it does so at an exceedingly awkward time for Republicans, many of whom are trying to downplay or moderate their party’s views on social issues to chart a path back to electoral success.

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The timing is most uncomfortable for House Republicans, who are playing a key role in one of the cases the court agreed to hear.

In June, the House of Representatives told the Supreme Court that the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act “is an issue of great national importance” that urgently requires the justices’ attention. The 1996 law denies federal benefits to same-sex married couples.

(Also on POLITICO: Gay marriage pressure back on Obama)

But when the court agreed on Friday to hear one of the DOMA cases early next year, the Republican leadership had nothing to say about it.

Advocates on both sides of the issue said they’d seen no statements from Republican lawmakers about the court’s decision to take on DOMA and an even more provocative dispute regarding a ban California voters approved on same-sex marriage.

“I’m personally grateful to Speaker [John] Boehner for being willing to defend the law, but it’s clear GOP elites don’t want to talk about it and want to keep it as quiet as possible,” said Maggie Gallagher, a founder of the National Organization for Marriage and a fellow at the conservative American Principles Project. “That’s so obvious, I don’t see any point in pretending otherwise.”

Tom McClusky of the Family Research Council said he assumes from conversations he’s had with congressional aides that lawmakers are pleased the high court is taking up the issue. “But there’s just radio silence” publicly, McClusky said. “I was disappointed there wasn’t more from the Hill.”

And a top gay-rights activist, who asked not to be named because of his outreach to Republicans, said he hasn’t “heard or seen anything” from GOP leaders or members. “They’re really just hoping this issue will go away.”

POLITICO placed calls or emails to about 10 House members on Monday requesting comment on the court’s announcement. None surfaced for an interview.

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The only substantive reply came from a House member Boehner kicked off two key committees last week, Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-Kan.).

“It is a good thing that SCOTUS is considering the case because it will give the Supreme Court another opportunity to affirm the clear constitutionality of DOMA. Furthermore, it has the potential to overturn the mistaken lower court ruling deeming Proposition 8 unconstitutional,” Huelskamp said of California’s 2008 referendum banning gay marriage.

Spokesmen for Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) were among those who didn’t respond to requests for comment about the high court’s move.


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