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The Week in Verge Video - December 16th, 2013


The holidays are upon us, and you know what that means: a very special week in Verge Video. Will this week's podcasts like The Verge Mobile Show and The Vergecast be holiday themed? Probably not, but that doesn't mean it can't be special in your heart. And to help fill your holiday downtime, you can catch up on Detours, Small Empires, and Top Shelf in the playlists below.

Kinematics lets you make flexible, 3D-printed objects at home

Nervous System Kinematics 3D printing app

Until now, 3D printing anything flexible like a blanket or a dress was left to the professionals. Fabric-like objects were technically possible, but they weren't things people could print using their own MakerBots. Nervous System, a generative design studio, is working to change that: its new, free desktop app Kinematics allows anyone with a 3D printer to create flexible products at home.

Kinematics' simulation and compression technology can take the design of an object larger than the 3D printer itself and crumple it up to a size that will make it fit in the printer, allowing it to be made in one shot, in one piece. The final product is, literally and figuratively, larger than the sum of its parts.

The process starts with the design for a 3D-printed object like a bracelet. The Kinematics app turns the design into a puzzle made of hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of triangles. The smaller the triangles, the more flexible the final piece. All the triangular puzzle pieces...

Print objects that bend and don't break

Beyoncé's surprise new release is the fastest-selling album on iTunes ever


Beyoncé's surprise album release on iTunes this past Friday has, unsurprisingly, been a huge hit. Apple just announced that the self-titled video and song collection sold a whopping 828,773 copies in only three days, making it the fastest-selling album on iTunes ever. 617,213 copies were sold in the US. According to BIllboard, it will be the top-selling album of the week — even though it...

Over 800,000 copies sold in just three days

The FDA will take a closer look at the safety of antibacterial soaps


Millions of Americans rely on soaps and body washes labeled "antibacterial" or "antimicrobial" to kill germs and prevent illnesses. But the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) isn't convinced that the products do what they claim — and says they might pose longterm health risks that outweigh any potential benefits.

Miramax and Weinstein Co. reunite, plan 'Shakespeare in Love' and 'Rounders' sequels


Sequels for popular '90s films Rounders and Shakespeare in Love are likely on the way. A multi-year agreement announced today will see The Weinstein Company produce new movies, TV shows, and live productions in partnership with Miramax, the studio that brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein founded in 1979 and eventually sold to Disney. Miramax is now controlled by a group of private investors, who in recent years have focused on milking its huge library of over 700 films rather than producing fresh content. The newly announced pact allows the Weinstein brothers to dig back through that archive...

Senior EPA official stole $850,000 while masquerading as a CIA agent

cash pile (SHUTTERSTOCK)

The job of senior policy advisor to the EPA doesn't sound like a very exciting one, but for John C. Beale, it was an open license. Beale's official job was running the agency's Air Policy office, but he convinced his colleagues he was also on contract to the CIA, taking unannounced trips to Pakistan and blaming recurrent absences on a fictional malaria infection contracted during an equally fictional tour of duty in the Vietnam War.


Windows Phone 8.1 includes notification center and Siri-like personal assistant

Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phone 8 stock front

Microsoft is preparing to ship its Windows Phone 8.1 update with two significant changes: a notification center and a Siri-like personal assistant. Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans have revealed to The Verge that the company is currently beta testing copies of Windows Phone 8.1 internally, with plans to fully detail its features at the Build Developer Conference in April, 2014. A highly requested notification-center feature will be...

Microsoft addresses requested features
  • Even More News

Microsoft loses top engineer to Google

Blaise Agüera y Arcas, a former distinguished engineer at Microsoft, is joining Google. Agüera y Arcas originally joined Microsoft in 2006 after the software giant acquired his Seadragon startup. He was a key software architect who helped...

  • Features

Long Reads

The best writing of the week, December 15

read lead 1020

We all know the feeling. You're sleepless in the sad hours of the night or stumbling around early on a hazy weekend morning in need of something to read, and that pile of unread books just isn't cutting it. Why not take a break from the fire hose...

ACLU blasts NSA surveillance with video featuring creepy Santas

ACLU NSA parody

Few organizations have been more vocal or more active in the fight against the NSA's far-reaching surveillance programs this year than the American Civil Liberties Union, and it's driving the point home this month with a holiday-themed parody. "The NSA is Coming to Town" is exactly what it sounds like: a darkly comedic remix of the Christmas classic "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," featuring NSA agents dressed up as Santas wreaking havoc through the streets of New York City. The climax of the...

Twitter is still testing feature to show nearby tweets

First revealed by All Things D in April, The Wall Street Journal reports today that some users of Twitter's mobile apps are seeing a new "Nearby" timeline that surfaces local tweets. Twitter has never excelled at local discovery — location is turned off by default for tweets that users post from their phones — but the fact that the company is moving forward with testing suggests that it still has its eyes on the prize. It's easy to see how the feature could be useful, at least in theory:...

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