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Washington Talking Tougher on Ukraine, But Still Intent on Not Angering Russia

State Dept. official makes show of handing out bread in Kiev square, but Psaki stresses "this is not a zero-sum game" and everyone can be friends.

Boehner’s Outburst Fuels GOP Civil War

The worst speaker of the House and Republican leader in the memory of living men.

Budget Deal Countdown: Conservative Groups Vow to Score GOPs, While Dems are on Their Own

Ryan defends the airline security fees in his bill: “We think that the users should pay for the services that they're using."


Of Course: Photographer Who Took POTUS Selfie Photo Ashamed He Broke News

As the late Andrew Breitbart once said to the MSM, "It's not your business model that sucks, it's you that sucks."

Is Santa Canadian? Future Prime Minister Isn’t Sure, Doesn’t Care

If America has any plans to claim the North Pole as U.S. territory, just wait a few years. Justin Trudeau will let you have it without a fight.

Why Some Men Embrace Their Short Leash

Better a bad relationship than none at all?

MSNBC Takes Revealing Selfie While Slamming Media Coverage of Obama’s Selfie

MSNBC is religious TV for leftists.

Imagine a Country Today Where More Than One Third of Men Admit to Rape…

And imagine that nobody cares.

Fed Official: Better Bankruptcy Laws Would Reduce Risky Funding

“That's, I think, our best hope for getting out of the ‘too big to fail’ box."

Six: The Movie

Satanic Teenage Killers! Well, sorta: Dr. Helen’s 2003 hour-long documentary explores how a family of Jehovah's Witnesses were carjacked by six teenagers and then shot to death.

Kerry Admits Iran Didn’t Lose Right to Enrich, Goes After Pro-Sanctions Dems

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) to Kerry: "You're asking us to be asleep and do nothing while 9,000 centrifuges turn and a new uranium stockpile is created."

Kerry on Castro Handshake: Obama ‘Didn’t Choose Who’s There’

Ros-Lehtinen: "When the leader of the free world shakes the bloody hand of a ruthless dictator, it becomes a propaganda coup for the tyrant."

‘Income Inequality’ — The Biggest Lie of All

The defining lie of modern liberalism.

Christiane Amanpour Gushes as Obama Shakes Hands with Castro

"He's shaking hands with Raul Castro!" Update: Obama shook hands with "the executioner."

Nelson Mandela and the Left’s Self-Congratulatory Preening

Why the invocations of human rights in the wake of an icon's death ring hollow.

George Clooney Backs Ukrainian Democracy Where Administration Fears to Tread

State Department reveals why Obama seems wary of the second coming of the Orange Revolution: "This is not about the United States versus Russia."

Learning through Pain

Good and hard: Obama and pathei mathos.

The Federalist Papers Simplified

Announcing a FREE online guide for members of the Freedom Academy Book Club.

Pentagon Agrees to ‘Limited Support’ for French Forces in Central African Republic

France arrives to guard thousands of Christians sheltering in an airport for fear of being massacred by Muslim militia.

Dems Confident the Worst Is Over on Obamacare Hit

Will public disapproval of the healthcare law, Obama and Congress last into 2014 midterms?

The Dinosaurs of the Launch Industry

They were just hit by an asteroid, whether they realize it or not.

LudditeCare: A Federal Agency That Still Uses Floppy Disks

Floppy disks and fax machines: It's only fair that 19th century-style socialized medicine runs on 1995-era technology.

Does a Chimpanzee Deserve to Be Called a ‘Person’?

Over the last several years, surprising discoveries have been made that challenge our notions of what defines a "person."

Congressman Blogs His Ridiculously Difficult Time Signing Up for Obamacare

"Why does #POTUS think this is good for America?!!"

VIDEO: PJM’s J. Christian Adams Talks with Megyn Kelly about Activist Immigration Lawyers at DHS

How can the Department of Homeland Security fairly enforce immigration laws?

A Great Reckoning in a Little Room

Obama’s deal with Iran is only one action in a concerted campaign to fatally weaken Israel.

And Now, for News of Fresh Obamacare Disaster

If you like your doctor, don't expect to keep your doctor. Plus: Obama's in the details!

Are Republicans Sabotaging Obamacare with Fraudulent Websites?

"If you can't win, cheat like hell."

And Now, Dozens of Russian Diplomats Charged with Medicaid Fraud

Gaming the U.S. welfare system, while shopping at Tiffany's and Bloomingdale's.

Jonathan Alter: Let’s Honor Mandela by Releasing Hundreds of Thousands of Criminals from Prison

Alter wants blood to run in America's streets, to honor Nelson Mandela.

Obama: Being President ‘Makes Me Humbler as Opposed to Cockier’

"As long as any president stays close to the people, I think they're going to do all right."

Intel Chairman: White House Paying ‘Heavy Price’ for Foot-Dragging on Iran, Syria

Rogers: "Now we may have tipped off a nuclear arms race in the Middle East."

As More People Live Longer Why Are Rates of Dementia Falling?

The New England Journal of Medicine: “in 1993, 12.2% of surveyed adults 70 years of age or older [in America] had cognitive impairment, as compared with 8.7% in 2002.”

Good Time Barry’s Got the Blues

"Live by the targeted demo, die by the targeted demo," the president's recent poll numbers indicate.

Boehner: Conservative Groups Opposing Budget Deal are ‘Using the American People for Their Own Goals’

"You mean the groups that came out and opposed it before they ever saw it?"

Breaking: House Oversight Committee Accuses HHS of Criminal Obstruction in Investigation of Rollout

Active obstruction of Congress.

In Praise of John Roberts

Obamacare is indeed a tax, and an onerous one at that.

Seven-Buck Milk Around Corner as Reid Tosses Farm Bill Back at House

The Senate bill proposed cutting the food stamp program by about $4 billion; the House originally sought a $20 billion reduction.

The Search for Nuance about Nelson Mandela

To whitewash Mandela's excesses is to fail to understand why South Africa is in such trouble today.

Assassination Rumors in China

A return to “the ruthless era of ancient Chinese palace politics”?

Santa Claus Conquers the Fluorocarbons

Santa Claus gets drafted by the Green Police, to bring you the latest enviro-doomsday message from Greenpeace.

Ryan-Murray Budget Deal Already Drawing Conservative Critics

Sen. Murray: "We cheer for a different football team, clearly. We catch different fish. We have some differences on policy but we agree our country needs some certainty."

Obama Is Laying the Groundwork to Move Without, Around, and Outside Congress

Hacking the Constitution.

Possible Hate Crime Hoax in NY Daily News?

Victim makes suspicious claim of being beaten by gang of Hasidic Jews.

Photo of the Day: Obama’s Selfie, Michelle’s Reaction

Yes, at Mandela's memorial service. MORE: Obama says Mandela "makes me want to be a better man"

Did the Pope Speak Unwisely?

Hey, the guy's still a rookie.

The Book of Matt Raises the Bar of Real Journalism

Stripping away the myths surrounding the tragic death of Matthew Shepard.

Bush Spends 90 Minutes with Reporters on Air Force One, Obama Avoids Them

En route to Johannesburg: Holder almost falls into the media's clutches before escaping.

‘A Lie Is a Lie’: Sensenbrenner Wants Intel Director Clapper Prosecuted

Clapper admitted he gave "the least untruthful answer" on surveillance: "Well, I think a little bit of a lie is like being a little bit pregnant."

Moving at the Speed of Government

Which may be an insult to the speed of the snail.

MSNBC Anchor: Obamacare = N-Word

Word games.

Interview: James Piereson on Camelot and the Cultural Revolution

Lee Harvey Oswald, and the liberal crack-up, whose repercussions continue to this day.

6 Warnings I Would Send My Younger Self

Worth the risk of unraveling the space-time continuum and destroying the entire universe.

The Liberal Supporters of Max Blumenthal and the Campaign to Delegitimize Israel

It is astonishing how far in the cesspool these leftists have fallen.

Nobody’s This Stupid and Incompetent

What consumers can see on the Obamacare Website is bad enough. The landmines that they can't see are far worse. More: Covered California Abuses Privacy Rights of Consumers

Rand Paul’s Wife Doesn’t Want Him to Run for President

The potential nominee says he has a year to convince her otherwise.

Gravity: A Tale of Christ

Who, after watching this film, could fail to see that it celebrates the presence of God in the universe?

The 5 Worst Books for Your Children

And why they should be avoided.

Piers Morgan Tries and Fails to Enlist Rick Warren in His Anti-Gun Crusade

The pastor eschewed politics when pushed to talk about his son's death, refocusing the conversation on mental illness.

Remember: December 7, 1941

The survivors of the attack can never forget. Why do we?

In-N-Out Burger Joins Five Guys, Battles Local Favorites in Austin’s Rapidly Escalating Burger War

Who has the best burger?