
US Department of the Interior


US Department of the Interior

一般公開で共有しました  - 
Government Shutdown, October 2013

Hello G+ Community.  During the government shutdown, we will not post to nor monitor this account. For more information, please visit

Thank you for your continuing support.
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Mark Priors さんのプロフィール写真
Hello Archaeology Community!  Thanks for being here.

How about an update on an ongoing exploration?  The video is from 2012, but the text is up-to-date.  Who can resist sharing underwater archaeology video? 
Underwater Archaeologists Investigate 200-year-old Wreck

BOEM archaeologists working with Federal, State and private partners continue to investigate a historic wooden-hulled vessel that sank some 200 years ago.

Originally identified as a side scan sonar target in 2011 and dubbed “the Monterrey Wreck,” it is located offshore Texas in an area adjacent to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. In April 2012, the first reconnaissance of the shipwreck (BOEM Site 15577) was conducted by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. On July 18, 2013, scientists began new exploration of the site while transmitting live video from the seafloor.

Read on!

[ #sciencesunday video by NOAA Ocean Exploration:
While most of the ship's wood has long since disintegrated, copper that sheathed the hull beneath the waterline as a protection against marine-boring organisms remains, leaving a copper shell retaining the form of the ship. The copper has turned green due to oxidation and chemical processes over more than a century on the seafloor. Oxidized copper sheathing and possible draft marks are visible on the bow of the ship.]
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Dan Nielsen さんのプロフィール写真

US Department of the Interior

» Philately In the News  - 
2013 Federal Duck Stamp Contest Winner Announced

Apologies for two posts in one day, but the winner of the duck stamp contest has been announced and who wants to wait for tomorrow, to share today's news?
South Dakota Artist Adam Grimm Wins 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Adam Grimm, of Burbank, S.D., today won the 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest with his oil painting of a pair of canvasbacks.

Grimm's painting bested 201 other entrants, and will appear on the 2014-2015 Federal Duck Stamp, which raises money for wetlands conservation.

Second place went to Hoyt Smith, of Tulsa, Okla., and third place went to Ron Louque, of Charlottesville, Va.

The 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Contest was held at the Maumee Bay State Park and Conference Center, in Oregon, Ohio.
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Mansinghchouhan Chouhan さんのプロフィール写真Noernberg Stamps さんのプロフィール写真
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Hello!  It's great to find this community on G+.  Thank you for being here.

Would you please join us in wishing a Happy Birthday to the Tiger Stamp? (And please, feel free to share!)
Tiger Stamp Turns Two

September 20 marked the second anniversary of the Save Vanishing Species (Tiger) Stamp. In two years, more than 23.4 million stamps have been sold raising more than $2 million for the Service's Wildlife Without Borders’ international conservation funds. The funds help save tigers, elephants, rhinos, great apes and marine turtles. The Service is teaming with the Detroit Tigers to promote the Tiger Stamp and raise awareness of critical conservation efforts.

Here's a list of grants that have been made with Tiger Stamp funding:

#tiger   #savethetigers   #savetheelephants   #savetherhino   #savetheapes   #savethemarineturtles   #conservation   #stamps  
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Ricardo B さんのプロフィール写真Noernberg Stamps さんのプロフィール写真
And thank you for posting! Welcome!
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Smart From the Start / Renewable Energy

We had a few comments last week about our first two offshore leases, so here's what's up and how we get the job done, courtesy of our friends at BOEM (our Bureau of Ocean Energy Management):

#science   #sciencesaturday   #scienceeveryday   #renewableenergy   #windpower   #boem   #technology  
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89 人
96 人
Anne McSweeney さんのプロフィール写真
Dani Tinker さんのプロフィール写真
Sergey Chunayev さんのプロフィール写真
Katze . さんのプロフィール写真
Rhoda U さんのプロフィール写真
Natural Areas Association . さんのプロフィール写真
Lori Druskin Ryan さんのプロフィール写真
Karen Melton さんのプロフィール写真
Jacob Patterson さんのプロフィール写真

US Department of the Interior

一般公開で共有しました  - 
+1121!?  Seriously!?

Thank you G+ Community -- or perhaps G+ is a little broken today. Either way, this climbing figure is cool to watch and we're happy to be here.
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US Department of the Interior

一般公開で共有しました  - 
Underwater Archaeologists Investigate 200-year-old Wreck

BOEM archaeologists working with Federal, State and private partners continue to investigate a historic wooden-hulled vessel that sank some 200 years ago.

Originally identified as a side scan sonar target in 2011 and dubbed “the Monterrey Wreck,” it is located offshore Texas in an area adjacent to Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary. In April 2012, the first reconnaissance of the shipwreck (BOEM Site 15577) was conducted by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. On July 18, 2013, scientists began new exploration of the site while transmitting live video from the seafloor.

Read on!

[ #sciencesunday video by NOAA Ocean Exploration:
While most of the ship's wood has long since disintegrated, copper that sheathed the hull beneath the waterline as a protection against marine-boring organisms remains, leaving a copper shell retaining the form of the ship. The copper has turned green due to oxidation and chemical processes over more than a century on the seafloor. Oxidized copper sheathing and possible draft marks are visible on the bow of the ship.]
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Dan Nielsen さんのプロフィール写真US Department of the Interior さんのプロフィール写真

US Department of the Interior

一般公開で共有しました  - 
South Dakota Artist Adam Grimm Wins 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Adam Grimm, of Burbank, S.D., today won the 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest with his oil painting of a pair of canvasbacks.

Grimm's painting bested 201 other entrants, and will appear on the 2014-2015 Federal Duck Stamp, which raises money for wetlands conservation.

Second place went to Hoyt Smith, of Tulsa, Okla., and third place went to Ron Louque, of Charlottesville, Va.

The 2013 Federal Duck Stamp Contest was held at the Maumee Bay State Park and Conference Center, in Oregon, Ohio.
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Mansinghchouhan Chouhan さんのプロフィール写真Travis Burcham さんのプロフィール写真US Department of the Interior さんのプロフィール写真
Just a quick update from FWS: "This is Grimm’s second Federal Duck Stamp Contest win.  His art previously appeared on the 2000-2001 Federal Duck Stamp."
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US Department of the Interior

Governance, industry, and business  - 
Wind Power from Federal Waters - the first lease is signed

Hello Renewable Energy Community!  It's very cool to find you here.

For our inaugural post, how about a peek at the biggest renewable energy story to come out of our shop this month?

(BTW, I'm having a bit of trouble clicking through to my own link; but it works when not signed in as DOI, so I hope it works for you!)
D. Lamar Sobotor さんのプロフィール写真David Craig さんのプロフィール写真US Department of the Interior さんのプロフィール写真
3 件のコメント
How archaic.
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US Department of the Interior

一般公開で共有しました  - 
The Beautiful Pictures community seemed to like the starry palm tree night image, so we're giving it a try as the new cover photo.
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Corey-Jason Saile さんのプロフィール写真
We have archives of old field photos and most of us carry a camera enabled smart device on us at all times I think a campaign like the green DOI challenge (i still proudly add the green bison and link to the challenge on my signatures) yet oriented at capturing the beauty of the sites we study would be great way to show the public how beautiful America is. It could be a "Blue DOI challenge" :) 
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89 人
96 人
Anne McSweeney さんのプロフィール写真
Dani Tinker さんのプロフィール写真
Sergey Chunayev さんのプロフィール写真
Katze . さんのプロフィール写真
Rhoda U さんのプロフィール写真
Natural Areas Association . さんのプロフィール写真
Lori Druskin Ryan さんのプロフィール写真
1849 C St. NW Washington, DC 20906 Use the addresses above for official communication with the US Department of the Interior.
Protecting America’s Great Outdoors and Powering Our Future (with Science & Technology)

Science & Technology

The U.S. Department of the Interior protects America’s natural resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities, and supplies the energy to power our future.

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Legal Stuff

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Please remember that U.S. Department of the Interior information resources are often used by younger members of the public, sometimes as part of school research projects.  As such, we would like to keep our social media presence as "G-rated" and "family friendly" as possible.  Let's keep the language clean and treat fellow participants in a civil manner.

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The Department of the Interior (DOI) uses Google+, a non-government third party social networking application, to share information, promote public participation, and enhance communication with the public.  Your use of the Google+ application to communicate with DOI is voluntary, and through your interaction with DOI your personal information may become available.  Generally, personal information is not actively collected by DOI; however, if you request information or submit feedback from interaction with DOI through use of Google+, your profile name, image, contact information, and other information may be used to communicate with you or provide the requested information.  You should know that any comments, images or videos posted on DOI’s official Google+ page may be viewed by any user, and that video hangout sessions may be broadcasted using an online streaming video application operated by a third party to facilitate communication and increase government transparency.  You are subject to Google’s privacy policy and terms of use during your interactions with DOI on Google+.  The Department of the Interior will not share information provided with third parties for promotional purposes.  Please review the DOI Privacy Policy for how information is handled:

The #Calendar (No promises, but we're keeping our eyes open for appropriate stories)

Monday: We're still working on it.  #Mondayblues isn't a very good fit, as environmental science is cool even on Mondays.

#TransformationTuesday seems like a good fit for stories about our Bureau of Reclamation.  And let's not forget #TechTuesday and #TriviaTuesday!

#WaybackWednesday explains itself.

As does #ThrowbackThursday -- but two retro days?  Meh.  Needs work.

Fridays, we publish our This Week at Interior video news update.  #twai?

#Caturday.  No promises, but we do have some beautiful pix of wild cats.

#ScienceSaturday and #ScienceSunday -- absolutely.