Video: Cuomo says the budget’s at the goal line

(Michae P. Farrell, Times Union)
Courtesy Kyle Hughes of, here’s video of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Secretary Larry Schwartz and Budget Director Bob Megna discussing progress on the state budget and other matters — including the prospect of spinning the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering into a free-standing SUNY campus free from UAlbany, during a Thursday-evening press availability in [...]  More »

Melissa DeRosa is Cuomo’s new communications chief

Can a 30-year-old be referred to as an old Capitol hand? Maybe a young old Capitol hand? If so, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has just named one to serve as his third communications director: Melissa DeRosa, who recently served as Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s acting chief of staff, will step into the post left vacated by [...]  More »

Horses, ballet and guns?

I’ve got a story this morning about the growing pressure on gun shows and Saratoga Springs this weekend is likely to be Ground Zero for the debate, at least while the Arms Fair is in town at the City Center. Gun show opponents have developed a theme noting that Saratoga is known for ballet and [...]  More »

Steve Katz busted for pot possession (updatedX2)

Assemblyman Steve Katz speaks against the SAFE Act in January. (Paul Buckowski, Times Union)
What can an elected official do to reduce the stress of budget season? One possible answer can be found in the Thursday-morning arrest of Assemblyman Steve Katz, R-Mohegan Lake, who according to the State Police has been charged with marijuana possession after a traffic stop on the Thruway near the Town of Coeymans. The 59-year-old [...]  More »

A.M. Roundup: Tax cut package forming in budget

Good morning! It’s colder today with a chance of snow. Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in New York City today, but said he plans to meet one last time with legislative leaders regarding the state budget. Republican senators remain at the Capitol, and will talk about the budget in a closed-door conference set for this morning. [...]  More »

Libous: You need more casinos for it to pass

It seems a plan to guide the permitting of casinos will not make this year’s state budget, according to Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos. Cuomo proposed siting three casinos in Upstate America, with exact locations to be determined by a gaming commission that he controls. Lawmakers have resisted this restriction, pushing for casinos in downstate [...]  More »

Bill: No gun show access for 11 and younger

A Second Amendment enthusiast reacts to news that 11-year-olds could be barred from gun shows.
A bill just introduced in the state Assembly would bar children younger than 12 from entering a gun show in New York. The bill was put forward by Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal, who hails from that trackless wilderness and sportsmen’s paradise known as Manhattan. “Children should be learning to read and write, not to shoot a [...]  More »

$290 million for education, but how much for NYC?

Assembly Democrats will push to send as much new education money as possible to New York City schools, their representative on a legislative budget committee said. Lawmakers have $290 million to play with for education, an amount announced by legislative leaders at a “mother ship” committee hearing held just after noon. The leaders announced “table [...]  More »

Silver: Nano and UAlbany will always be symbiotic

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said he could see the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering split from the University at Albany, but that it would always have some sort of affiliation with its bigger brother across Fuller Road. Silver, D-Manhattan, has always held the Nanocollege close. One of his former top aides, Dean Fuleihan, now [...]  More »
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