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Gary Scheets, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune

Gary Scheets, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune

About Me: 
Gary Scheets is the Community Engagement Specialist for Sports at the NOLA Media Group. He can be reached at 504.299.3821.
Zip Code: 70130

Comments by Gary Scheets, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune (12 total)    RSS

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It looks like we're in for an incredible evening. Here's a set list from the Greenville, S.C. show from two nights ago:

The Spirit of Radio
Time Stand Still
Stick It Out
Workin' Them Angels
Leave That Thing Alone
Set Two
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs
Drum Solo
(Love 4 Sale)
Closer to the Heart
2112 Part I: Overture
2112 Part II: The Temples Of Syrinx
Far Cry
La Villa Strangiato
Working Man

Posted on Confessions of an unreformed Rush fan on June 10, 2011, 12:41PM

Ok, I'll chime in here too. I'm taking my 7-year-old son to the show tonight. Growing up in Detroit, the band would regularly do 3-night stands as the got the Michigan fans (there's a reason it's called Detroit Rock City) and the Canadians would stream over the border to catch the shows they may have missed in Toronto, Hamilton or London.. My first was Permanent Waves, then Moving Pictures. On that tour, at least in the show I saw, they didn't do Witch Hunt from MP. Tonight will close that circle. After that it was Grace Under Pressure followed by Hold Your Fire. The last for me was Test for Echo in Washington, D.C. (actually Landover, Md.) It's great to see the cross-generation appeal the boys have deservedly attained. I don't know if any of you saw this, but Neal was on Letterman last night for the finale of drum solo week: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWyABiUpihs
He's still got it.
"Summer's going fast, nights growing colder/
Children growing up, old friends growing older/
Freeze this moment a little bit longer/
Make each sensation a little bit stronger/
Experience slips away ....
Time Stand Still

Posted on Confessions of an unreformed Rush fan on June 10, 2011, 11:31AM

The running theory on Chuck Norris was that he would scare the oil back down into the well, thus eliminating the need for any further effort by mortal men and women.

NOLAWHODAT: Sorry man, I was focused on making sure we're getting this right. I'll absolutely give ya a WHOOOOOOOODAT!!!!! Though I don't think the game will be that lopsided, I still believe the Saints will win handily.

testing the comment functionality.

Hey all, a question for you: Why was it that WDSU was able to broadcast the Saints/Patriots game in addition to ESPN? Nothing against the folks at WDSU, I'm just curious.

Before every game this season, my wife, who weathered the dark days, imparts her prediction that the Saints are going to lose. So far she's been wrong 11 times.

Posted on What's your Saintly superstition? on December 01, 2009, 1:16PM

Go Green Wave

Posted on Houston's Case Keenum to provide stern test for Tulane on October 16, 2009, 1:16PM

Go Saints.