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Friday, December 13, 2013 - Last Update: 1:26 PM ET (18:26 GMT)

A Disappearing Spy, and a Scandal Inside the C.I.A.

When Robert A. Levinson disappeared in an island off the Iranian coast in 2007, American officials insisted he was there as a private investigator. In fact, he was a contractor for the Central Intelligence Agency.

The family of Robert A. Levinson received this photo by e-mail about three years ago.

A photo of Robert A. Levinson that emerged about three years ago.

Panel Said to Urge Restraints on Spying by N.S.A.

A presidential advisory committee charged with examining National Security Agency operations concluded that a program to log phone calls should continue, but with broad new restraints.

Execution Raises Doubts About Kim’s Grip on North Korea

The execution of Kim Jong-un’s uncle could signal a fight over the direction of North Korea while sowing concern over the country’s stability.

Tobacco Firms Fight Poorer Nations’ Smoking Laws

The industry is warning countries that their tobacco laws violate an expanding web of treaties, raising the prospect of costly, prolonged legal battles.

Reasons to Dream

Serendipity gives hope to Dasani, one of New York’s 22,000 homeless children.

Ruth Fremson/The New York Times
After Tributes, Recalling Mandela the Fighter

Mourners have flocked to a small town where a sculpture marks the spot where, in 1962, Nelson Mandela was captured by the apartheid police.

600 Killed in Central African Republic, U.N. Says

The deaths in the past week come as sectarian violence worsens, the United Nations refugee agency said.

Prominent Rights Advocate Is Indicted in China

The activist, Xu Zhiyong, was charged for his role in a campaign that prompted street rallies across the country.

Belgium Moves Toward Euthanasia for Ill Children

Belgium, which euthanizes around 1,000 adults a year, is the first country to propose lifting all age restrictions.

A Stream of Music but a Trickle of Revenue

With download sales cooling after a decade of growth, streaming services like Spotify, Pandora and iTunes Radio have become the latest hope for the troubled music business.

Beyoncé Surprises Fans With New Album

The new album, “Beyoncé,” consists of 14 new songs as well as 17 new videos and appeared on iTunes with no previous promotion.

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What Chile’s Voters Want

In the presidential election, Chileans look set to pick trustworthiness and character over economic ideology.


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At Paris Brasseries, Cuisine to Match the Scene

In recent years, Paris brasseries have gained a reputation for mediocrity. But these four spots offer both a lively atmosphere and satisfying food.


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Drawing Yourself Into the Scene

How can art deepen the travel experience? Following the trail of artists ranging from Salvador Dalí to Johannes Vermeer reveals some answers.

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