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Michael J. Tansey
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Dr. Michael J. Tansey is a graduate of Harvard University (A.B. '72) and Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (Ph.D. '78) where he has been an Assistant Professor teaching and supervising students, interns, residents, and post-doctoral fellows. He has been in private practice for over 30 years with adolescents, adults, and couples. Along with a co-authored book on empathy and the therapeutic process, he has written numerous journal articles.

Entries by Michael J. Tansey

Our Year of Living Dangerously

(9) Comments | Posted December 13, 2013 | 9:18 AM

As we come to the first anniversary of the massacre of twenty small children and seven of their devoted school staff, our nation once again has its heart broken by searing memories of one of America's most horrific tragedies. The image of tiny children being pulverized at very close range...

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Guns, Demoralization, and the Saboteur Within

(56) Comments | Posted June 28, 2013 | 4:55 PM

Two months ago, the United States Senate failed to pass gun control legislation that would have mandated universal background checks for the purchase of firearms by a vote of 54-46 -- six votes short of the required sixty for passage. Given the fact that 90 percent of American citizens in...

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Guts and Guns

(115) Comments | Posted March 27, 2013 | 7:18 PM

This past week has been remarkably demoralizing for those of us seeking inspiration from Congressional leadership in Washington. On Friday the 15th -- appropriately the Ides of March -- the BBC reported on the release of audiotapes of Lyndon Johnson detailing Richard Nixon's treasonous sabotage of imminent peace settlements of...

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PTSD: The Invisible Laceration

(9) Comments | Posted March 8, 2013 | 2:21 PM

This past Wednesday, in an unprecedented act of wisdom and sensitivity, the Connecticut General Assembly unanimously passed legislation establishing a special charitable fund to help police, teachers, school secretaries, custodians, and medical examiners receive mental health assistance and expanded workers compensation in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook...

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It's the Guns, Stupid!

(299) Comments | Posted January 21, 2013 | 12:41 PM

We have reason to be extraordinarily proud as Americans this week. Because of the courage, determination, and hard work of President Obama and Vice President Biden, we have a set of ambitious legislative proposals and executive actions whose passage would go a long way toward removing military weaponry from our...

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Guns, Lies, and Suicides

(14) Comments | Posted January 11, 2013 | 2:57 PM

In the resurgent national debate regarding gun violence, the overriding focus -- understandably -- has been on homicide. I am aware of no discussion regarding suicide and guns. And yet the Center for Disease Control estimates that in the U.S., there were approximately 37,000 suicide fatalities in 2012, of which...

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Guns Don't Kill People... Lax Laws Kill People

(10) Comments | Posted January 4, 2013 | 9:02 AM

The NRA is not the problem. The NRA leadership is the problem, hijacking the public interest through its influence on gun laws. A 2012 study by Frank Lutz for Mayors Against Illegal Guns, polled 945 gun owners. The results show a shockingly counterintuitive statistic: fully 74% of NRA members (and...

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When Children Are Slaughtered

(91) Comments | Posted December 19, 2012 | 8:53 AM

Last Friday morning at exactly 8:40 CST -- precisely when the Connecticut carnage exploded -- I initiated a psychotherapy session with a wonderful woman whom I have seen regularly for years. The session had a uniquely celebratory tone as we reflected on her imminent retirement and the new possibilities that...

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