Congrats to Norman Farmer for winning the giveaway I was holding with +Austin Evans! Thanks to everyone who entered and more great giveaways coming this holiday season!
Salik Qureshi's profile photovidsmart vbox's profile photocraig Chikarakate's profile photoGassan Ford's profile photo
Come on,I commented like 5 times!!!
Which phone did he get then could I get the other one 
WHAT THE F*K I WASTED A WHOLE WEEK FOR NOTHING!!!!!I POSTED LIKE.......30 COMMENTS AND I LOSE???? happerharkore WON THIS GIVEAWAY TWICE??????? This was set up. I KNOW IT!! WAT THE F*********************************************CK!!! !!@@@!@?@?@"@-&8%==/3THAT'S IT!!!!!I GIVE UP!!!
Really ? I commented like 40 times and subscribed waited till 2 in the morning and the this person wins really!!!!
I expected a video of the draw
I did the same thing ahhhhhhhhh ma God wasted 2 weeks of my life

How bout some one from the Caribbean this time
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