Thank you for making your gift online!

  Complete the form and select the “Click to Pay” button. This will take you to a new page to complete the payment.
  A receipt will be mailed to you after the gift is processed.
  To set up installments or scheduled electronic funds transfer, please call us. To mail your contribution, download the gift form.
  MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express accepted.


Office of Development
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311250
Denton, TX 76203-5017

(940) 369-8200
(800) 868-1153
Please do not send credit card information by e-mail.


Amount and Designation

Choose the amount you would like to contribute and the area you would like to support. You may split your contribution between two areas by choosing an amount and designation for each. Choose "Other" to write in a program or area that's not on the list.   I want to give to a school or college

Matching gift

Look up matching gift companies  (Page will open in a new browser window.)

Do you wish to dedicate this gift?
Gift Dedication

Notify the following person of this gift:

Comments or instructions