Temporary Illness

It's not unusual for students to encounter temporary illnesses or injuries during their time at UNT. Broken bones, the flu, severe colds, surgeries etc. all represent temporary conditions which may result in missed classes and other academic difficulties. Such temporary conditions do not qualify for protection under the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) Act so long as they do not last more than 6 months. Nor does pregnancy qualify for ADA protection provided it is of normal duration without severe complications.

Since there is no legal requirement for UNT to accommodate temporary illnesses, your professors may or may not allow you to make up missed work due to temporary illnesses or provide other adjustments.

However, faculty is encouraged to make adjustments for temporary illnesses when students provide a verification letter from the Dean of Students Office.

Students may request a verification letter to take to their professor by completing the following steps:

  1. Provide the Dean of Students Office with a letter from a medical doctor, or other qualified professional, which must contain the following:
    1. A diagnosis and how the diagnosis impacts your academic pursuits
    2. Duration of illness, from the time it began to impact you academically and until the expected recovery
    3. Recommendations for academic adjustments e.g. excuse absences, tardiness leniency, extend time for tests
  2. After receiving the medical documentation, the Dean of Students Office will provide you with a letter to take to your professors.
  3. It is your responsibility to discuss the letter with your professors and work out the details of the adjustments.
  4. Remember, your professors have no obligation to make temporary adjustments. If they decline to allow adjustments you may need to withdraw from the course, take an incomplete, or repeat the class in the future.

If your illness does not improve after 6 months, you should contact the UNT Office of Disability Accommodation at (940) 565-4323 or www.unt.edu/oda to inquire about permanent accommodations.

Michelle's Law

Michelle's Law prohibits group plans from terminating a college student's health insurance coverage based on the student taking a medically necessary leave of absence from school or changing to a part-time status. Coverage is extended for at least one year.

The key requirements are:

  • Must be Medically Necessary
  • Must have written certification by the physician recommending the leave or charge in enrollment status
  • Student must have been enrolled in the group plan before the first day leave

For more information about Michelle's Law, please refer to the Student Health & Wellness website.