Richard Barrington
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Richard Barrington, CFA, is the personal finance expert for, the source for personal finance where you can research best bank rates and compare savings accounts. Richard has earned the CFA designation and is a 20-year veteran of the financial industry, including having previously served for over a dozen years as a member of the Executive Committee of Manning & Napier Advisors, Inc. He has written extensively on investment topics, including investments, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, and personal finance as it relates to retirement and has been quoted by numerous top media publications.

Blog Entries by Richard Barrington

Getting More From Your Student Loan Investment

(0) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 3:03 PM

Young people are known for going their own way, but college students may regret bucking one recent trend.

At a time when most forms of consumer debt have been declining, the amount of student loan debt outstanding has been rising rapidly. With tuition costs soaring at many colleges and an...

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The Diminishing Returns of Europe's Bailouts

(0) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 11:03 AM

News that the European Union had arranged a bailout for Spain's embattled banks brought little cheer, as nervous investors quickly shifted to the next string of obstacles.

It's becoming clearer that each new bailout, emergency deal or central bank intervention, while often reached after much difficulty and drama, is just...

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China's Rate Cut: Good News for the U.S.?

(0) Comments | Posted June 19, 2012 | 4:33 PM

A key interest rate has been cut to stimulate the economy. Sound familiar?

It's becoming an old story, but this time there's a difference. This time it could actually help the economy -- and maybe even deposit interest rates.

What is the crucial difference? This time, the interest rate cut...

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Five Ways JPMorgan's Troubles May Affect You

(1) Comments | Posted June 11, 2012 | 6:24 PM

The trading errors that led to a more than $2 billion loss at JPMorgan Chase made national headlines. But what may not be immediately obvious is the impact this may have on the average bank customer.

Some aspects of multinational banking are far removed from the business of...

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Goldilocks and the Three Banks

(0) Comments | Posted June 7, 2012 | 2:19 PM

Once upon a time, Goldilocks went looking for a bank...

She tried one bank because they advertised heavily, which she assumed meant they were interested in new customers. However, when she went to open an account, that interest...

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Job Growth: A Study in Contrasts

(3) Comments | Posted June 6, 2012 | 11:15 AM

On June 1, the latest window into the national employment situation will open when the Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its May report on job growth. In the meantime, the BLS's latest look at regional employment has provided some insight...

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The Brighter Side for Deposit Accounts

(0) Comments | Posted June 5, 2012 | 3:00 PM

With interest rates scraping along just above zero, it's easy to grow frustrated with savings accounts and other bank deposit products. However, these are very troubled financial times, and as uninspiring as savings account rates have become, the grass may not be...

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5 Essential Facts About the Greek Currency Crisis

(6) Comments | Posted May 30, 2012 | 4:34 PM

The latest wrinkle in the Greek financial crisis is a rush by its citizens to withdraw their savings from banks. This is both a symptom of the fear that Greece might leave the euro zone and a potential catalyst to force that exit.

While Americans might view news like this...

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Faceplant: 4 Lessons From the Facebook IPO

(6) Comments | Posted May 29, 2012 | 4:48 PM

The Facebook IPO is shaping up as one of the biggest opening flops in stock market history. By the end of its third day of trading, the stock was down by more than 18 percent from its initial offering price, and regulators were investigating amid accusations that the investment bankers...

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Testing the Fed's Predictions

(0) Comments | Posted May 22, 2012 | 6:39 PM

How good is the Federal Reserve at its job?

That can be a difficult question to answer. Monetary policy is subjective, and it can take years before the results become apparent. However, has found a way to hold the Fed accountable...

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Would You Change Banks for a Mercedes?

(0) Comments | Posted May 16, 2012 | 7:00 PM

It's nothing new for banks to offer gifts to new customers -- a free toaster is the age-old example. However, a bank in Florida has come up with something a little sexier: a new Mercedes in exchange for opening a 5-year CD.

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Stagflation With a Twist

(0) Comments | Posted May 8, 2012 | 1:54 PM

Along with disco, leisure suits and Watergate, one of the horrors of the 1970s was stagflation. Economic signs in April hinted at its return, with a 21st-century twist that could be especially hard on money market accounts.

Stagflation is a worst-of-both-worlds mix of a stagnant economy and high...

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The Fed Shows a Steady Hand in Stormy Seas

(1) Comments | Posted May 3, 2012 | 10:21 AM

In its latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, the Federal Reserve resolved to stay the course with its current policies, despite some disturbing signs in recent economic data.

As a result of its two-day meeting on April 24 and 25, the FOMC showed no change in its conviction that...

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Where the Jobs Are: 5 states Leading the Recovery

(5) Comments | Posted May 2, 2012 | 2:05 PM

Last Friday the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released a report showing that the unemployment rate declined in 30 states during March, compared with just eight states that saw unemployment increase (the unemployment rate was unchanged in the remaining 12 states). But while the actual employment situation is...

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The High Cost of the Fed's Low Rates

(2) Comments | Posted May 1, 2012 | 3:17 PM

With the economic recovery still lagging, the intended rewards of the Federal Reserve's aggressive campaign to lower interest rates have yet to be realized. But the cost of that campaign to depositors can be counted, and according to the latest analysis, it may have exceeded $200 billion in...

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Beware of Regional Rate Differences

(0) Comments | Posted April 24, 2012 | 5:30 PM

Regional and community banks are often recommended as a solution to the low interest rates offered by large banks -- and for good reason. has found that the rates on savings accounts and money market accounts offered by the nation's...

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America's Best Rates 2012 Q1: A Rate Hunter's Guide

(0) Comments | Posted April 19, 2012 | 2:08 PM

Just when it seemed savings and money market rates couldn't fall any lower, finding decent rates somehow got a little tougher in the first quarter of 2012. But's America's Best Rates feature is still here to help savers maximize the returns on their deposit accounts.

America's Best Rates differs...

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Spending Rises Despite Flat Incomes

(1) Comments | Posted April 19, 2012 | 9:14 AM

The latest personal consumption data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) suggests that U.S. consumers are spending more in 2012 in spite of relatively flat incomes.

After increasing by about 0.4 percent for the entire...

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Stocks Show a Fear of Judgment Day

(0) Comments | Posted April 18, 2012 | 10:15 AM

On Wall Street, vague feelings of optimism about the economy have given way to specific fears of judgment day. The S&P 500 lost 1.71 percent Tuesday alone, and is down 3.47 percent already in April. In the process, falling stock prices have dragged bond yields down, which has ominous implications...

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Are Money Market Rates Poised for a Comeback?

(5) Comments | Posted April 10, 2012 | 3:55 PM

Is your money market account stuck in a rut?

If so, you're not alone. Money market rates have been locked into a long and steady descent for a few years now, resulting in average money market rates of just 0.14 percent as of the end of March. Finally,...

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