Preeti Vissa
Preeti Vissa is community reinvestment director of The Greenlining Institute.

Blog Entries by Preeti Vissa

Sssshhh!!! Don't Tell Anyone, but Your Government Is Doing Something Good

(2) Comments | Posted June 20, 2012 | 5:36 PM

Right this minute, even as you read these words, an agency of the federal government is doing something good -- several things, actually.

We hear so often from the folks on the right that government is the problem and that excessive regulation is the root of all our...

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Double Standards at Work

(2) Comments | Posted June 4, 2012 | 11:54 AM

JPMorgan Chase's recent $3 billion trading loss made a splash in the news, though it's begun to fade from the spotlight. But there are parts of this story that haven't gotten nearly enough attention and shouldn't be forgotten.

You've heard wiser folks than me talk about why banks...

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America's Top Housing Official Must Aid Struggling Homeowners

(10) Comments | Posted May 14, 2012 | 9:17 AM

If one man can be described as absolutely key to solving the ongoing foreclosure crisis -- and thus not only helping millions of struggling homeowners but also stabilizing the neighborhoods where they live -- it is Edward DeMarco, head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The rest of the country...

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The World's Richest Company Pays a Lower Tax Rate Than You Do

(9) Comments | Posted April 17, 2012 | 10:36 AM

My job involves spending most of my time trying to figure out how those with the least can begin to build a bit of wealth and start to acquire a small piece of the American dream. That means trying to find ways to level the playing field, so that all...

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A "Separate But Equal" Internet?

(0) Comments | Posted March 21, 2012 | 11:13 AM

The phrase "knowledge is power" dates back to at least the seventeenth century, and it's as true today as it was then. But today, technology has become the essential portal to information, and information technology has potential to be a great social and economic equalizer -- but only if we...

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Financial Regulators Don't Reflect America's Diversity

(5) Comments | Posted February 15, 2012 | 1:37 PM

One intriguing question from the subprime mortgage meltdown and ensuing financial crisis is: Could the crisis have been averted if our financial regulators were more plugged into the communities that were hit first and hardest?

There's a good case to be made that it could have been. But, as a...

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Foreclosure Wreckage: Can Dr. King's Dream Be Saved?

(4) Comments | Posted January 11, 2012 | 1:09 PM

You hardly hear anyone in the media -- not to mention any of the presidential candidates -- talking about it, but the foreclosure crisis isn't even halfway over with. And a good portion of what you may have heard or read about it is wrong.

Those are the disturbing conclusions...

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Musings of a Mom-to-Be

(0) Comments | Posted December 20, 2011 | 3:18 PM

I'm about to become a mom. If all goes as expected, I'll be bringing a baby boy into the world sometime in the first week of January. To say it's an overwhelming experience is both completely obvious and a pretty severe understatement.

In practical terms, it probably means I'll be...

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The Fed's Secrets and the Unfinished Work of Financial Reform

(15) Comments | Posted December 8, 2011 | 3:55 PM

Right after Thanksgiving, Bloomberg News broke a very big story that didn't get nearly the attention it deserved: In late 2008, at the same time the controversial TARP bank bailout was happening, the Federal Reserve was lending trillions of dollars to many of the very same institutions, helping...

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Little Help for Homeowners, Big Bonuses at Fannie and Freddie

(1) Comments | Posted November 22, 2011 | 10:36 AM

Why are top executives at government-backed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac getting millions in bonuses while struggling homeowners get little or no help?

I've written before about the need for principal reduction to help homeowners fighting to keep their homes. Not only would this aid millions...

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Will Health Insurance Reform Reach Those Who Really Need It?

(1) Comments | Posted November 8, 2011 | 11:33 AM

Issues that affect our lives don't happen in a vacuum. Everything affects everything else, and there's no area where that's truer than health and access to care. So I'm going to take a slight detour from the financial and economic issues I write about most of the time to say...

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The Bank Merger From Hell (or, What's Preying on Your Wallet?)

(1) Comments | Posted October 25, 2011 | 10:48 AM

As public anger at Wall Street greed boils over in the form of protests spreading across the nation, the Federal Reserve Board is poised to allow creation of yet another "too big to fail" bank. Worse, that bank has a record of precisely the sort of...

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How the U.S. Government Promoted Segregation

(5) Comments | Posted October 11, 2011 | 4:18 PM

As I wrote last time, a favorite right-wing talking point in recent years has been the claim that federal efforts to promote lending and investment in underserved communities, such as the Community Reinvestment Act, caused the subprime mortgage collapse and our ongoing recession. Not only is...

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Truth and Nonsense About Mortgage Lending, the Housing Collapse and Homeownership

(84) Comments | Posted September 28, 2011 | 6:19 PM

There may be no subject that has generated more nonsense from politicians and pundits than the subprime mortgage crisis and housing market collapse. Recently, a new book landed on my desk that cuts through the bull and obliterates a pile of widely-propagated falsehoods.

It's an article of faith among many...

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Congress Takes a Stand -- For Wall Street

(20) Comments | Posted September 14, 2011 | 2:13 PM

Anyone wondering why Congress has approval ratings that hover somewhere between cockroaches and the bubonic plague might want to check out the Sept. 6 Senate Banking Committee hearing on the nomination of former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.


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How Goldman Sachs' Bet on Obama Paid Off

(7) Comments | Posted August 31, 2011 | 2:39 PM

Goldman Sachs has made a lot of bets that paid off handsomely over the years -- for example, its bet against the subprime housing market that gained the Wall Street giant $4 billion as the housing bubble imploded in 2007. One of the firm's biggest bets has...

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Advice to the Special Budget Committee: Go After Tax Evaders, Spare Seniors

(135) Comments | Posted August 12, 2011 | 5:15 PM

Pursuant to the recent debt ceiling agreement, Congress has begun setting up what's officially called the Joint Special Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. Much of the speculation about what this committee will do has centered on two questions: Will it cut essential programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social...

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The Stories Statistics Don't Tell

(100) Comments | Posted August 2, 2011 | 8:00 PM

A rather odd study from the Federal Reserve got a smattering of press coverage in recent weeks. The overall message seems to be that hey, foreclosure's not so bad. As the story on MSN Money put it, "For those forced to move, it's not always for...

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A Morning Cup of Crazy

(5) Comments | Posted July 26, 2011 | 1:08 PM

My head is spinning from the news in recent days. We've had glowing reports that "it's a new day in California" because new foreclosures are declining, even as Reuters reports that "robo-signing" -- firms cranking out thousands of foreclosure documents signed by people who never read...

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$2 Billion in Foreclosure Help Is Here -- But Does Anyone Know?

(2) Comments | Posted July 12, 2011 | 10:52 PM

For some time, I and other advocates have been calling for more help for struggling homeowners facing foreclosure. The good news is that California now has a program up and running that may actually do some good, called Keep Your Home California. Unfortunately, hardly anyone seems to know...

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