Done Not Done

My studiomates at FictiveKin just launched a new project I have been itching to share: Done Not Done. It’s a to-do list for things you want to do, not the things you have to do. (We already have an app for that.)

How many times do you email yourself a title of a book or a movie that you eventually want to read or watch when you have time? And then it gets lost in your inbox and it never happens. Well, no longer. Done Not Done will help you jot these things down, on the go, and then when you are looking for a good book, music or movie idea, it’s right there, ready to be tapped into. (They started out with movies, books and music and will be adding more categories such as restaurants and places.)

Go check it out, over on or download the iPhone app. But be kind, folks, they *just* launched and might still discover a bug here and there.

Also, love how they created a /purpose page. Every service/company should have this. Taking note!

So, what are you going to add to your not done list? Here’s mine.


“When in doubt, always err on the side of generosity!”
- Ping Fu

Friday Link Pack

Fantastic short documentary on Colossal Media on how they painted the Etsy mural last December in Soho!

- Let’s fight designjargonbullshit. (via)

- Who goes first?

- Seriously honored to have been invited to speak at SXSW on March 10th.

- Install Picturelife on your computer, tablet or smartphone and every photo you take is automatically stored in your Picturelife library. Automatically backed up and accessible from anywhere.

- Search YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion at the same time with i.e. Search result for CreativeMornings. (via)

- “You don’t get credit for being safe in Life!” I actually agree with Ice T here.

- Do you have your elevator pitch down? No? Here’s how you can fix it.

- A Wikipedia list of hoaxes on Wikipedia. Really. (via @donohue)

- What results when 29 interaction design students have the opportunity to contribute to an IxD-focused book list? Here.

- Copenhagen-based designer Ruth Vissing designed a series of typographic posters.

- “How do we run around on the vast field of the internet without being crippled & disfigured by the landmines of hatred?” Amanda Palmer on Internet Hatred.

- Are you looking to hire? Use discount code SWISS2013 to get 50% off an AuthenticJobs listing until Jan 11th.

- Lifehacker shares some awesome tips on making your Google searches more efficient.

- It’s never too late to make art featuring the wonderful Lisa Congdon.

- The NOAA says that 2012 was the hottest year on record.

- A collection of great product videos over on Gimmebar. (via)

- Why did infinite scroll fail at Etsy?

- Kevin Kelly on how the internet is expanding the boundaries of the normal and the possible.


Have you ever interviewed someone and knew within the first 20 seconds that the meeting was a complete waste of time? And then you had to spend another painful 29 minutes making small talk? Ziggeo (currently in Beta) tries to solve that problem by letting you screen candidates by watching their videos before you meet. Candidates simply click on a link we send you and record themselves for two minutes (answering questions you pose). The videos are then submitted directly to your private screening room. Love this!


“Good design is often invisible, but it can contribute to reshaping the way our society works.”
- John Maeda

Article: How to design a better world by John Maeda.


Chiaozza sells modern, geometric display shelves. Beautiful.

(Thank you Chesley)

Knowledge brings you sifting ability

Happy birthday Massimo Vignelli.

FontBook App

If typography were a religion, FontBook would be the Bible. So, folks, no more excuses for boring typography: FontBook 3.0 is now a universal app and costs a mere $0.99. YES!

How to design a better world

“As organizations shift from neatly ordered hierarchies to chaotic, flattened “heterarchies,” where anyone can “friend the CEO,” a new generation of tools will be invented that will allow design and technology to enable leaders to make true connections among people and inspire change.

Just as design enabled us to have an emotional connection with a piece of glass and aluminum that lives in our pocket, design and technology together will restore some of the humanity in what it means to lead in the 21st century.”

- John Maeda

Article: How to design a better world by John Maeda.

Sum Times

The project Sum Times by artist Aakash Nihalani points out simple math problems in urban environments. Made me smile.

(via Design Milk)

The Thumper Rule

(Thanks Tyler) lists what’s currently happening in design. Great resource. Hackernews for design?

Davidson 123

What a lovely print featuring Davison Spencerian Numerals. Available at House Industries.

Swiss Alps Panorama Knife

Now here’s a gift for the chef that has it all: Swiss Alps Panorama Knives. From top to bottom: Berner Alps Panorama, Lake of Constance Panorama and soon to be available the Zurich Panorama. Made me smile.

(warning their shop is in German only)

DIY Smart Fridge

I chuckled when I saw Mike Monteiro’s DIY Smart Fridge in my Flickr Stream.

The Smallest Deed

“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.”
-John Burroughs


Askers vs. Guessers

Andrea Donderi says there are two types of people in the world: Askers and Guessers:

“In some families, you grow up with the expectation that it’s OK to ask for anything at all, but you gotta realize you might get no for an answer. This is Ask Culture.

In Guess Culture, you avoid putting a request into words unless you’re pretty sure the answer will be yes. Guess Culture depends on a tight net of shared expectations. A key skill is putting out delicate feelers. If you do this with enough subtlety, you won’t even have to make the request directly; you’ll get an offer. Even then, the offer may be genuine or pro forma; it takes yet more skill and delicacy to discern whether you should accept.”

Thank you Erika for pointing me to this article after I expressed on Twitter how I have a hard time asking for favors. Definitely giving this some more thought.

David Kelley’s Home

Is there anything more fascinating than seeing how people live? In this case, IDEO founder David Kelley.

Cloud Pencil & Eraser Set

A cloud shaped eraser that holds a rainbow of pencils? YES!!

The Reconstructionists

The Reconstructionists, a collaboration between illustrator Lisa Congdon and writer Maria Popova, is a yearlong celebration of remarkable women — beloved artists, writers, and scientists, as well as notable unsung heroes — who have changed the way we define ourselves as a culture and live our lives as individuals of any gender. Beautiful.

Marja Trivet

I just fell in love with this trivet. Just like that.

Friendship Bracelet Tatty

Team Tattly just launched friendship bracelets (blue / pink) designed by Julia Rothman. My daughter is going to go nutty over this one.


“Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it.”
- Jules Renard


“Think Long. Write Short.”
- George Lois

From his book Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent!).