Foxhunting season expected to attract hundreds of first-timers

Facebook used to recruit novices, with rural alliance estimating number of hunters up a quarter since ban on hunting with dogs

Fox hunting
The expansion of the hunting scene has included all social classes, according to huntsmen on the eve of the new season, which starts on Saturday. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Hundreds of foxhunting novices are expected to saddle up today for the first "Tally ho" of the new hunting season – but in a departure from the traditional "blooding" on the first day's hunting, many of them have been drawn into the pack by the lure of social media.

Facebook has become the huntsman's friend when it comes to recruitment, with many hunts reporting a doubling of interest from first-time hunters compared with last year, after using new media to publicise their activities.

Scores of British hunts have been taking to Facebook to advertise newcomer days this week, culminating at the traditional start of the season today. Most of more than 20 groups contacted by the Guardian reported dozens of new recruits, with children as young as four and six riding to hounds for the first time.

"Facebook has made a huge difference," said Mark Ferguson, of the Woodland Pytchley Hunt, in Northamptonshire. "It is so much easier, we can get to more and more people."

A spokeswoman for the Surrey Union Hunt said more than 100 people had turned up for the organisation's first meet, of whom about three-quarters were newcomers: "It's been unbelievably successful. We had notices locally, but mostly it was through social media." Rachael Morley, of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt, said more than 20 newcomers had turned out at their pre-meet, and Sue Simmons of the Holcombe Harriers in Lancashire reported more than 60 people, up from around 20.

The Countryside Alliance confirmed the resurgence in the number of hunters, estimating that at least 45,000 people are likely to take to the lanes and fields of England this year to pursue "drags" or "trails" – usually made by dipping rags in fox urine, sometimes imported from the US, and dragging them along on long poles. That number is up by about a quarter since before the hunting ban on hunting with dogs.

Fox hunting An urban fox. Of the 332 individuals prosecuted under the Hunting Act between 2005 and 2011, 239 were found guilty. Photograph: Barcroft Media/Getty Images

Young recruits have been particularly in evidence, huntsmen report, though some new hunters have been as old as 80. At the Woodland Pytchley Hunt, an experienced nanny will be on hand to accompany small children today, and at the Surrey Union a prize of £20 was offered for the "best turned out under 16 year old". Many hunts are offering novices an easier route around their drag or trail-hunting course, in order to avoid hard jumps, and most relax their rules on "hunting pink" to allow newcomers to ride in any gear that is "comfortable, warm, clean and tidy". The resurgence of interest in hunting comes as some Tories have called for a softening of the ban on hunting with hounds, buoyed by supportive words from David Cameron. A full repeal is still possible, but an alternative is that the ban could be weakened by allowing more than two hounds – the current maximum – to flush out foxes, either to kill them or for them to be shot.

Between 2005 and 2011, a total of 332 individuals were prosecuted under the Hunting Act. Of these, 239 were found guilty.

Hunters want a full repeal, allowing them to freely hunt foxes and other wildlife with dogs again. Tim Bonner, director of campaigns at the Countryside Alliance, said: "We are now going into the ninth hunting season under the Hunting Act – an act that is not working for hunts, antis, the courts or the wildlife it claims to safeguard. The government has made some positive noises about a common sense amendment to the act [that], while a small amendment, would send a significant message to the countryside."

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said: "The coalition government pledged to put forward a motion to allow a free vote on the Hunting Act. This will take place at an appropriate time and if parliament were to vote in favour of repeal, the government would introduce a repeal bill in the house of parliament in due course."

Anti-hunting campaigners warned that some hunts were likely to use illegal means to try to get round the law. Joe Duckworth, chief executive of the League Against Cruel Sports, said: "Hunters found to be flouting the law need to watch out. Our team of investigators and the Hunting Act are here to stay."

The expansion of the hunting scene has included all social classes, according to huntsmen. One said: "It has become more socially acceptable – people who before might not have wanted to say to their peers in the pub that they hunted are now able to [because the pursuit no longer involves killing an animal]."

Most of the people helping to organise the hunts through social media are volunteers, and their own enthusiasm is evident. One woman was still in hospital, at a spinal injury unit, having fallen from her horse a few weeks ago but said: "I have to thank the hunt masters, who saved my life. But I'm delighted to see so many new people come along. I hope I will be able to hunt again before the end of the season."

Some remnants of old attitudes seem to remain, however. One huntsman who boasted of the openness and social inclusion of his hunt said the ban was "all the result of some trouble with the great unwashed".

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