Tribal Fusion

Use the power of Tribal Fusion to transform the performance of your online display advertising.


About Tribal Fusion

Tribal Fusion is a global performance display advertising provider. We enable advertisers to model, target and optimize online campaigns against our unique, interest-based audiences, which are built to deliver display advertising performance.

Powered by page-level contextualization and transparent audience modeling, our Audience-Efficient Real-time Optimization (AERO) technology will drive awareness, consideration, and intent.

Page-level contextualization

Turning data into actionable interest-based audiences

  • Our unique page-level contextualization engine examines more than 300 million pages across our premium publisher network
  • Based on its content, each page is classified against a taxonomy of 50,000 different interests and intentions
  • When a consumer visits a page, our platform attaches the associated interests and intentions to their anonymous profile to create our interest-based audiences

Transparent audience models

Mapping interest-based audiences

  • Our audience models reveal the exact network reach and behavioral lift of every one of our interest-based audience segments
  • Build unique custom models for your campaign based on the behaviors we know are indicative of performance
  • View, select and adapt campaign models in our Deep Dive audience profiling application


Audience Efficient Real-time Optimization

  • With our audience-efficient, real-time approach to optimization, we leverage the depth of our contextualization engine to understand what user interests and intentions drive results for each eligible advertiser campaign
  • We use our proprietary audience modeling technology to determine behavioral lift for each user, generating a score for each campaign, resulting in a user-centric and industry-leading approach to optimization
  • By really understanding who is likely to purchase a given product, we are not only able to help you reach your BEST potential customers, but also help to minimize the media waste involved in traditional optimization