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  • London's 'Walkie Talkie' skyscraper reflects light hot enough to fry an egg - video

    A new building on London's skyline nicknamed the Walkie Talkie has been blamed for melted car parts due to the intense sunlight reflected from its glass exterior. In a broadcast for Sky News one reporter proves that it is possible to fry an egg in the reflected sunlight. Developers say they are working to rectify the problem

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Guardian Bookshop

This week's bestsellers

  1. 1.  England's 100 Best Views

    by Simon Jenkins £20.00

  2. 2.  For Who the Bell Tolls

    by David Marsh £8.99

  3. 3.  Poetry Please

    by Roger McGough £16.00

  4. 4.  Story of the Jews

    by Simon Schama £18.00

  5. 5.  Bombing War

    by Richard Overy £22.00

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