450 Locations Worldwide

red arrow    LOCATIONS MAP

Million Mask March Final Listing:  447 Events – 5 NOV 2013

Red “Locations Map” link above goes to ZeeMaps to “See Map”
Video below shows how to use map.
To add to map, see “How” below.

Best viewed on computers, not phones.  Call for help:  860-888-3127 USA


How to add your event to the map: If you would like to add an event, create a Facebook event page and email the link to:  info@millionmaskmarch.org with a copy to millionmaskmarchmap@gmail.com. Please follow-up if your event doesn’t appear on the map in 48 hours. Thank you.

Since we believe in maintaining a leaderless movement, please note that a new ZeeMap will be available if anything happens to the current map.  Download the following backup for safekeeping.  Thank you.

Backup:  MMM Final Listing:  447 Events – 5 NOV 2013

MMM Map REV 5 NOV 2013

Thank you.

197 thoughts on “
450 Locations Worldwide

  1. Lana Caldwell

    Checkin to see if rapid city, sd has a group yet. Can’t access the maps atm, let me know.

  2. Anonymousspain

    SPAIN IS MOVING….., good luck guys.
    We are anonymous
    we are legion
    we do not forgive
    we do not forget
    Expect us

  3. johnny

    Coming to DC for the million mask march?
    Stay free at peace house located at 1233 12th St NW DC 20005
    We will have free rooms, food, and adult beverages RT
    Thank goodness for Helen Thomas !

  4. eukodal

    Can’t find event page of Columbus, ohio anywhere. Anyone have any clues? Columbus is a sad city for activist. I know..

  5. Bachman

    i’m trying to set up an event for memphis tennessee, but i’m new at this and i’m not sure i’m doing it right. Any help would be awesome.

  6. Laurie

    I found an invite for my city but there is no information as to where the meet up is. How do I find that information?

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