Stellar Interesting

favesbest ofinfo

Robert Altman would've been great on Twitter because each of his movies had like 140 characters.

By Josh Donoghue   Also liked by: Rachel, Stijn Peeters, Anne, matthew burris, Jason, Potjie, Heather Kay, Daniel Crowell and bunches more


By Michael Rigley   Also liked by: Richard Eriksson, Dan Hon, clare curran, Jørn Knutsen, Showdown Visual, Shannon Leonard, Chris Kelly, Bran Dougherty-Johnson and a couple more

Bre Pettis Reveals The MakerBot Replicator!

By makerbot   Also liked by: Alper Cugun, Amrit, Scott Beale

Leader of misogynist boy-raping sect with Nazi ties calls gay marriage a threat to humanity’s future:…

By Mike Monteiro   Also liked by: Mark Danielson, Jules Janssen, Mirthe Valentijn, Creig P. Sherburne, ʇɐɥs sɐ ʇɹɐɯs, Dan Budiac, Orion Montoya, Julia Reynolds and bunches more


By david wilson   Also liked by: shanolyno, Sebastian Reiser, Stephen Harper, Moxette, John Goldsmith

Doodling in Math Class: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant [2 of 3]

I only drink on days

By Megan Amram   Also liked by: Michael Flynn, Dan McCulley, Allen Tan, Sean Tierney, Ron Ceballos, Sarah Pavis, Matthew Baldwin, Mark Hoppus and bunches more

I stayed up transforming this box into a taxi for Thuy last night. When she saw it this morning she exclaimed: "A BOX!"

Future of Facebook: Society (CC 3.0)

By futureoffacebook   Also liked by: Eoin o Fearghail, Ben Hammersley, henry copeland, Michael Litman

Familiarity breeds contempt. Talk about an overused phrase I can't stand anymore.

By Daniel Gebhart de Koekkoek   Also liked by: Tiff Chow, Darrius Thompson, Aaron Pikcilingis, Mark Danielson, Brandon Titus, Joe Boyle, Jan Willem de Birk, guchi guchi and bunches more

30 Japanese Hornets Battle 30,000 Bees. EPIC MUSIC

“Somebody Announces Something New, but Who Gives a Shit?” — my suggested headline for every article from CES thus far.


By AllaKinda   Also liked by: Michael Eades, Dan Pettigrew, Pascal Monaco, Felix Meyer, octavio de lellis, Daniel Oeffinger, Jr.canest, yair reshef and a couple more

By dirtyharrry   Also liked by: Paul Habeeb, Julien Nicouleaud, Don Hudson, Eric Rose, Pierre Wayser, 123regina, Laura Rodari