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GetEQUAL To Obama: Hagel’s Anti-LGBT History Makes Him Unacceptable For Defense

by David Badash ● 11:46 AM January 4, 2013
Thumbnail image for GetEQUAL To Obama: Hagel’s Anti-LGBT History Makes Him Unacceptable For Defense

GetEQUAL, the LGBT civil rights organization that is widely credited for helping repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, today told President Obama they strongly oppose Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.


Senator Barney Frank? He’s Ready, Willing, And Able.

by David Badash ● 10:27 AM January 4, 2013
Thumbnail image for Senator Barney Frank? He’s Ready, Willing, And Able.

Barney Frank, whose 32-year career as a Congressman ended with his chosen retirement yesterday, says he’s willing to take Senator John Kerry’s seat temporarily until a special election is held.


Bachmann Introduces 1st Bill In New Congress: Not Sandy Relief Or VAWA, But Obamacare Repeal

by David Badash ● 8:32 AM January 4, 2013
Thumbnail image for Bachmann Introduces 1st Bill In New Congress: Not Sandy Relief Or VAWA, But Obamacare Repeal

Bachmann introduced the first bill into the new 113th Congress and it wasn’t the Violence Against Women Act, or a bill to fund relief for victims of Hurricane Sandy.


Same-Sex Marriage Equality Bills Introduced Today In Rhode Island

by David Badash ● 9:44 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Same-Sex Marriage Equality Bills Introduced Today In Rhode Island

Same-sex marriage bills were introduced today in Rhode Island and their future looks encouraging, including that the speaker of the House is is openly gay.


Breaking: Gay Marriage Bill Passes Illinois Senate Committee

by David Badash ● 7:10 PM January 3, 2013

A same-sex marriage bill has passed an Illinois Senate committee, in an 8 – 5 vote. The bill seems to have strong bipartisan support. The bill will still have to be voted on by the full Senate, but this is a huge first step. Ironically, the bill was believed to have been delayed by the [...]


Tammy Baldwin Sworn In Today, Becomes First Openly-Gay Senator In History

by David Badash ● 6:37 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Tammy Baldwin Sworn In Today, Becomes First Openly-Gay Senator In History

Former Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin became Senator Tammy Baldwin today, and the first openly-gay Senator in the history of the United States.


Look: Elizabeth Warren Sworn In To U.S. Senate

by David Badash ● 5:44 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Look: Elizabeth Warren Sworn In To U.S. Senate

Today, Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was among an historic 20 women sworn in to the U.S. Senate.


Breaking: Boehner Re-Elected As House Speaker

by David Badash ● 1:39 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Breaking: Boehner Re-Elected As House Speaker

John Boehner (R-OH) has been re-elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives, despite intense and growing turmoil and many predictions his rule would end today.


House GOP: No Time For Sandy Relief Or Women’s Violence Bill, But Time To Fund DOMA Defense

by David Badash ● 1:30 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for House GOP: No Time For Sandy Relief Or Women’s Violence Bill, But Time To Fund DOMA Defense

The House Republican leadership did have time — for the first time ever — to write funding for their anti-gay war, defending DOMA, into the official House Rules.


Dan Savage: ‘Straight Up Thanks’ Video And New Website To Thank Our Straight Allies

by David Badash ● 12:32 PM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Dan Savage: ‘Straight Up Thanks’ Video And New Website To Thank Our Straight Allies

Dan Savage says 2012 was a great year for the LGBT community, but we didn’t get here alone — we have our straight allies who worked very hard for us, to thank.


NOW: Watch 113th House Gavel Into Session And Speaker Election Live

by David Badash ● 12:03 PM January 3, 2013

At noon ET today, the 113th Congress will begin, with the House gaveling into session, and their first order of business the election of the Speaker. Will Jhn Boehner be re-elected? Will he retain his set or will there be a mutiny? You can watch live on the House’s website or on C-SPAN 1.


Maggie Gallagher’s Syndicated Column ‘Retired’

by David Badash ● 11:19 AM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Maggie Gallagher’s Syndicated Column ‘Retired’

Before Maggie Gallagher co-founded NOM she was a syndicated columnist (and was even hired by George W. Bush, which she did not reveal until exposed). Universal Uclick, yesterday announced her “retirement.”

Bigotry Watch

Irony: Fox News Viewers Furious Al Jazeera Entering US Cable News Market

by David Badash ● 9:53 AM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Irony: Fox News Viewers Furious Al Jazeera Entering US Cable News Market

Racist Fox News viewers, upon learning Qatar-based al Jazeera yesterday bought Al Gore’s Current TV cable news channel, took to Twitter to display their ignorance.


Boehner, Cantor Kill Decades-Old Violence Against Women Act

by David Badash ● 8:41 AM January 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Boehner, Cantor Kill Decades-Old Violence Against Women Act

Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) allowed the decades-old Violence Against Women Act to die yesterday when — like the Hurricane Sandy victims aid bill — they refused to bring the bill to the floor for a vote.