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Google Developer Group San Francisco +GDGsf The San ...
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Ya casi en febrero. Y después de unas largas vacaciones preparándonos para dar mas y mejor contenido nos acercamos para comentarles los planes para el #2013.

Este tiempo de descanso a servido para cultivar amistades y contactos. Para tener mas y mejores lugares para poder disfrutar de reuniones fisicas. También para prepararnos para mejorar el contenido y enfocarnos con un proposito que nos defina nuestra...Mostrar esta publicación »
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Resumen del año #2012, Este fue un año lleno de cosas raras. Festejamos mucho la creación de los nuevos #gdg de la ciudad como el de la Unam, el Poli y AndroidTitlan (Seamos francos ya nos hacia falta una mano extra). También dimos varios talleres importantes. Inclusive acompañamos a +Google México por medio de +Francisco Solsona en traer a personas super importantes de +Google TV y +YouTube . 
Gracias a la nueva funcionalidad de G+, los Hangout on Air (y no me refiero en paracaídas) hemos podido dar infinidad de talleres y conferencias en linea desde la comodidad de nuestro hogar ( y el suyo). Tan solo imaginen la cantidad de contenido que hemos compartido y disfrutado en el #2012.
Y lo mas emocionante (como siempre) esta por venir.
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GDG Valencia

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Por si no sabíais que ya tenemos el evento subido con calidad HD: #introducción   a la #programación   #Android   por Pablo Nieto para el GDG Valencia #gdg   #event   #gdgvalencia
Charla introductoria a la programación en Android por Pablo Nieto. Organizado por GDG Valencia. Colabora Ayuntamiento de Xirivella.
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GDG Belgaum

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Registration for HTML5 & GWT sessions are open now..

#gdg Event is on 16th February 2013
Hello Web – 16th February 2013 | GDG Belgaum »
HTML 5 Seminar: HTML5 has been the buzzword since last two years, attracting attention from almost everyone. It is the latest version of HTML, after HTML4, standardizing strong and constructive change...
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GDG Bacolod

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We'll be back in Bacolod this weekend for #GDG Student Dev Day! See you at the LCC Auditorium!

Big thanks to Google and GlobeLabs for sponsoring the event!
Nassif Kakeeto
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The first event organized by GDG Vientiane, Lao Map Maker & Geo-modeling Training in Vientiane 29 Feb 2012 #gdg #gdgvientiane   #mapmaker #training  
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GDG Lima

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Resumen de actividades #gdg  #2012 #gdglima  
GDG Lima - Resumen de Actividades y Línea de Tiempo 2012 »
El 2012 fue un año muy productivo en donde la comunidad Google Developer Group - GDG Lima se pudo constituir y consolidar como una de las comunidades más influyentes en Lima y en la región. Todo ésto ...
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Sweet! +GDG Windhoek in Namibia brings our country total to 100, followed quickly by +GDG Beograd in Serbia (#101) and +GDG Cyprus in Cyprus (#102). #gdg #t
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El 2012 nació el GDG Cochabamba y desde su creación esta demostrando que puede crecer rápidamente. Actualmente se tienen más de 100 personas registradas en la página y cada día aumenta el número de personas que quieren formar parte de esta comunidad.

Como GDG Cochabamba, se logró organizar y llevar a cabo el primer Google DevFest de Bolivia, con una asistencia de más de 200 personas, la mayoría estudiantes...Mostrar esta publicación »
Google Developer Groups — Google Developers »
Somos el primer grupo de desarrolladores Google de Bolivia. Situados en el corazón de nuestro país, nuestra intención es difundir las tecnologías Google a todos los que quieran asi mismo ir incentivan...
Tahuri Killer
Esta es la actitud y compromiso que me gusta, si estuviera allá seguro estaría participando de estos eventos, mis felicitaciones para todos los GDG de Bolivia :)
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GDG La Paz

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El GDG La Paz tuvo un excelente 2012, fue el primer GDG activo en Bolivia ( aunque pequeño logramos crecer y llamar la atencion de la gente.

Este año también logramos mandar a uno de nuestros representantes al encuentro de organizadores GDG a nivel mundial nada menos que en las oficinas de Google en Mountain View, es bueno saber que Bolivia participa de estos eventos.

Junto con GDG...Mostrar esta publicación »
Google Developer Groups — Google Developers »
aplicaciones móviles para la plataforma Android; aplicaciones empresariales para Google Apps Marketplace; aplicaciones sociales para la plataforma Google+; iniciativas de software libre apoyadas por G...
Tahuri Killer
Mis Felicitaciones por sus logros :)
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GDG Seattle

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Hey +GDG Seattle this is a little late but we wanted to provide a wrap up over the GDG events that occured in 2012 and a look forward at 2013.  

In 2012 the GDG Seattle had 15 events including our first ever DevFest in September.  We covered a wide range of topics including Android, the Google Cloud, PhoneGap, GWT, HTML5, Maps, Dart, and more.  Even more amazing, we grew our membership by over 500 people...Mostrar esta publicación »
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So, I suppose it's time to talk about all that happened to #GDG  Mercer University in #2012. The good news is, we made it through our first year in fine fashion, continuing to hold weekly meetings through spring semester.  We had a wide variety of in-house presentations.  It's a source of pride this is a place where people can come and talk about things that interest them, even if they're not experts...Mostrar esta publicación »
Meetings Archive - GDG Mercer University »
This is Mercer University's official Google Developer's Group website
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GDG Chennai

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DevFestW is now in Chennai:

It's time for an exclusive event for Women Geeks in the city and here comes Google DevFestW, an exciting event exclusively for the rocking women developers across the city. 

While +GDG Chennai would host this event, and right from planning to agenda to getting the speakers would be taken care of. Now, here's something exciting for you. If you are a women, and think that you...Mostrar esta publicación »
3 comentarios
Jash Jacob
swathi dharshna naidu
I m IN
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#gdg #2012 #gdg -silicon-valley Achievements for 2012

Our biggest event of the year was:
GDG DevFest West

We had several great regular meetings:
Introducing YouTube Data API version 3.0 Inspiring Developers Every Day
Crunching Big Data with Google BigQuery + Introducing Apache Drill
Google Compute Engine
Collaborative Video Editing for Google Drive
Introduction to Google Drive & the Google Drive SDK
YouTube Direct Platform presented by JJ
Google Prediction API with Martin Omander
Building Great Apps for Google TV
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Despite our young membership as official #GDG , here's a list of things we achieved during #2012:

We did the first ever Google Developers Live in Mexico along with +Francisco Solsona.
We were speakers of GDG LATAM Summit in October.
We participated during EstoEsGoogle, a major event organized by Google México in November.
We organized 3 mini - hackatons, where we gather 25 hackers where we actually shipped some code:

We also published our first tutorial about Android ActionBar in Programa con Google, Google developers official blog for spanish language.

Indirectly helped students to create GDG's in their campuses.

But this ain't over yet...
GDG-Hackup-AndroidTitlan »
GDG-Hackup-AndroidTitlan - Este es un proyecto para aprender a utilizar GPS, la cámara y enviar los datos a un servidor en Node.JS
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GDG Tel-Aviv

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Just wanted to let you know some of the plans and goals we see for #GDGTelAviv for #2013.

As a community we would like to see more interaction between our group members being done Offline without a connection to our GDG Meetups, we thought about having a GDG IRC channel, or having some other way to get our members to help each other and grow our community.

We would also like to be one of the top 3 meetup...Mostrar esta publicación »
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GDG Missoula

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Thanks for everyone who came out Sunday for meetup. We had 13 people and did our first Hangout an Air which was cool. We had 3 women ... 23%. Not too shabby.  But I think we can do better. Be sure to reach out to women you know and invite them.  

We've been working on getting more women involved and would like to have some speakers and attendees for March 10th meetup (tentative). If you'd like to speak, help out, or know someone who might, please let us know. 

#GDG   #DevFestW  
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GDG Missoula
Benjamin Campbell
Now were cooking for with gas! I know it takes effort to coordinate av setups so thanks for ensuring the event reaches as many people possible.

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GDG Moldova

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GDG Moldova Plans for 2013!
cc. #2013 #gdg
We will be providing MASSIVE events, hackathons.

Some of our plans are including:
March 7 - participation at MooseCon (as a part of +CeBIT );
April 7-10 - participation on +Droidcon Berlin ;
April 16-17 - participation on Moldova ICT Summit;
April 21-22  – organizing ecaHack Moldova massive event and
1st GDG Moldova Meetup of the Year;
May - visiting Google I/O;
July-August – active meetups on the air with members from Balti and Comrat cities;
October – we will be involved in the annual Droidcon Eastern Europe conference as co-organizers and speakers, probably we'll be presenting some new topics on +Droidcon Bucharest and in the meantime we'll be doing ACTIVE promotion of Google's Products and Services to developers... locally and globally.

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Daniel Franc

 -  Público
Hey, you know how big a fan of motivational posters I am (definitely NOT!!!!). Especially those with pinkish colors. But....
.... think of what #GDG and #GBG  can do. A group of thoughtful and commited people... and not really a small one. 
Let's change the world, folks.

// quote sent by +Aleksandra Krainski 
Hana Marsalkova
this reminded me of the little cute ponny horses, lol
Daniel Franc
I know. I know. Don't get tricked by the form.
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