Redskins' possible return to D.C. debated by fans

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WASHINGTON (WJLA) - It’s no secret that the D.C. City Council would love to have the Washington Redskins back in D.C. 

Now, Councilmember Vincent Orange is proposing tearing down RFK to build a new 100,000-seat domed stadium complex in its place that would “provide the opportunity for the Washington football team to return to D.C.”

"I think we have a lot of opportunity, and I don't think we should blow it," said Orange.

Without a doubt, this idea has gotten the attention of some sports fans.

"Build a stadium... I think that's a terrible idea, but it might get them to come back," said football fan Jordan Rossen.

Talk about timing. Orange happened to introduce the proposed plan on the same day the Council voted on a resolution asking the team to change its name -- which is offensive and racist to some.

Even though the resolution has no legal weight, the team asked its fans  to lobby the council to turn it down.

It passed overwhelmingly.

Still, some sports fans think that a new stadium might help sway team owner Dan Snyder, who has vowed never to change the name.

"He'll go where the money is," said fan Todd Driscoll. "And if they get a stadium in D.C., I think they'll change the name..."

But others still say 'no way.'

"It's not going to happen; he's going to stay right there at FedEx Field with the Washington Redskins... It's a waste of taxpayer dollars -- don't build a stadium, "said Ryan Adams.

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