TPMEditors' Blog Opinions, Context & Ideas from TPM Editors

Did Obamacare Pivot the Race in VA?

We're looking at the poll numbers, exit polls and final horse race polls out of Virginia this morning to see whether there's any real evidence that opposition to Obamacare helped Ken Cuccinelli close the margin against Terry McAullife pretty dramatically on election night, as Republicans are now claiming. The evidence for this seems thin on its face. But, as we're culling the numbers I wanted to take a moment to provide some guide to how to approach the question.

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Tea Partier Defeated in Alabama Runoff

A small data point certainly. But an establishment/mainstream Republican beat out a Tea Party activist for the Republican nomination for Alabama's first congressional district tonight.

Overall, pretty difficult to see much that came out of tonight's results that was anything but bad for the Tea Party or really the national Republican party as currently constituted - which is to say, under Tea Party dominance.

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Reporting On Rape

Overall I think Politico has been doing a really good job of tracking congressional efforts to curb sexual assault in the military, reporting on it even as attention turned to other issues like Syria and pointing out that the military has been dragging its feet on any accountability of this issue for decades.

But man, this story today makes me lose my faith. It includes sentences like this:

Even as the problem of military sexual assault has gotten more attention, there's been no drop-off in women signing up to serve. In fact, all four branches of the military say they've hit their recruitment marks in recent years, with the number of enlisted women holding steady at roughly 15 percent.

Let's try not to express astonishment at women entering the military despite sexual assault statistics. There are many problems with this framing, but here are just a few:

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What More Could There Be?

We're waiting for a press conference in which Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is scheduled to make a major "announcement." At the moment, he appears to be running late. And remember, this is after announcing earlier this morning that he's smoked crack but probably in one of his "drunken stupors." So it's hard to imagine what can top that. But here's the live feed for your viewing pleasure.

Rob Ford: Yep, I Smoked Crack

And there you have it. Mayor Rob Ford says yes, I smoked crack. Even better he suggests he may not originally have realized he'd smoked crack because it was "probably in one of my drunken stupors." So which is worse? Your Mayor smoked crack or your Mayor smoked crack but may not know it because it only happened during his frequent black out drinking binges. So he didn't or he didn't? It's almost like Schrodinger's Crack.

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