Nate Burleson back at Lions practice

Updated: November 5, 2013, 7:15 PM ET
By Michael Rothstein |

ALLEN PARK, Mich. -- Nate Burleson crashed his car adjusting a pizza box six weeks ago, breaking both bones in his left forearm but otherwise walking away from the incident.

[+] EnlargeNate Burleson
Brad Mills/USA TODAY SportsNate Burleson has missed six weeks after breaking two bones in his arm during a car crash.

Six weeks later, the Detroit Lions wide receiver returned to practice for the first time Tuesday following the team's bye week.

That, however, doesn't mean he will play Sunday against the Chicago Bears.

"I'd caution reading too much [into] him being out there and being back," coach Jim Schwartz said. "But he is progressing well and everyone is pleased with his progression. We all know how tough a guy Nate is. If it was up to him, he probably would have missed one game, but there's only so much that you can do with healing bones and stuff.

"The big thing with Nate is when we do get him back, we're going to get him back, but we want to make sure he's back for good. To do that, we have to avoid setbacks and stuff like that. But he's doing well."

Schwartz said it is too early to make a determination on whether Burleson will play Sunday, but how he is able to handle contact will play a role in his status against the Bears.

Burleson caught 19 passes for 239 yards in the Lions' first three games.

Michael Rothstein | email

ESPN Detroit Lions reporter


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