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Jay Sears

How the Real-Time Ad Market Grows From $2 Billion to $9 Billion

'Programmatic Guaranteed' Will Mean RTB Gets Upfront Ad Budgets

DSPs, SSPs and agency trading desks area all mud wrestling over the same $2 billion. They can break free if they embrace "programmatic guaranteed."

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David Karnstedt

Learning to Love the Robots That Will Soon Buy and Sell All Media

Prediction: Other Media Types Will Soon Flip to 'Programmatic' Buying

Traditional sales models -- those based on human-interactions -- can't keep up with marketers' and ad suppliers' needs in a rapidly growing and fragmented device environment.

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Matt Fiorentino

Ten Stats That Will Change the Way You Look At Video in 2013

People Watched Branded Videos 4.7 Billion Times In 2012

Online audiences chose to watch video ads at a rate of more than 150 per second in 2012.

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Shane Snow

7 Branded Content Campaigns That Got It Right In 2012

Great Examples From Coke, Expedia, Red Bull, Facebook and Qualcomm

Though brand-created content is not novel, the practice fully bloomed in social-media-saturated 2012.

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Will Margiloff

Five Bets On How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2013

Let's Raise a Glass to the End of Speculative VC Money in Ad Tech

The irrational spigot of VC funding will become a trickle and Terry Kawaja won't have to update his famous Lumascapes as often.

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Paul Dunay

Don't Blame Facebook: 10 Reasons Low Conversion Rates Are Your Fault

If Your Facebook Strategy Is Failing, You Are Probably Making One of These Common Mistakes

If your Facebook strategy is failing, it probably boils down to one of these ten common mistakes.

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Jay Habegger

The Trend Few Are Discussing: Brands As Media Companies

Large Consumer Manufacturers Are Posing Their Sites to Power Display Ads of Third-Party Advertisers

Brands are the new media companies, as some of the biggest gear up to power third-party advertisers' display ads.

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Adam Kleinberg

Don't Let Growth Fool You: Mobile Advertising Is Still Failing

Interruption-Based Banners In Mobile Won't Scale

Interruption-based advertising is never going to be a great success in mobile. People simply don't want these ads on their phones.

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Mike Mikho

The Next Revenue Opportunity For Twitter (It's Not Advertising)

Thinking Beyond Advertising For Revenue

Here's one revenue stream that's hugely scalable and wide open with potential: premium memberships.

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Adam Lehman

Just Who Do The Data Paranoiacs Think We Are?

Data Scare Mongering Is Another Growth Industry

Far from limiting choice, data-driven advertising helps underwrite independent sites that expand the information and offers available to consumers.

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