updated 5:50 PM EDT, Wed March 20, 2013
From Twitter
CNN's GUT CHECK for March 20, 2013 http://t.co/mfveNfjm2z
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
5:44 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Senate approves bill to avoid government shutdown http://t.co/cx3Oo9fbkx
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
5:28 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
What would President Boehner do? http://t.co/Z2adpTRHMA
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
5:28 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Key House conservative backs possible path to citizenship http://t.co/QLPYlc5lF6
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
4:57 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
CNN Poll: American divided on responsibility if govt. shuts down http://t.co/ydByTxgSbl
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
4:39 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Photos: Politicians with celebs in the family http://t.co/RNGkZ8BozZ
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
4:08 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Bachmann's 'lavish' claim http://t.co/7WepYUisEO
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
2:25 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Boehner on Obama quip: 'So much for the charm offensive' http://t.co/VAunzqAEhs
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
2:23 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
GOP looks to red states' successes for answers http://t.co/mngWq0AaiV
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
1:33 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
For Obama in Israel, the issues are all in the neighborhood http://t.co/AMIKcH7sHY
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
1:28 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Colorado governor signs gun control measures http://t.co/uSUpAD4plF
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
1:12 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Obama tells Netanyahu 'it's good to get away from Congress' http://t.co/X4V5ieHTzV
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
12:05 pm ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Generic drug safety argued at high court http://t.co/QaIdJgEKHq
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
10:31 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Poll: Florida's Crist at 50% in possible comeback http://t.co/9puMmQPTTY
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
10:16 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Presidential limo breaks down ahead of Obama's arrival http://t.co/jylfBgrFOm
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
9:54 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Experts: Photos contradict Syria's claim of chemical weapon attack http://t.co/1FBJh9NEiL
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
8:53 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Sen. Paul clarifies immigration proposal http://t.co/dvV6OIlTSS
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
8:53 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Obama's final four revealed http://t.co/6j9A87iIUN
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
8:49 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
Political second chances http://t.co/gyhCF8m9z1
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
8:36 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
How Sanford learned from scandal http://t.co/X7W3LQ3pGN
CNNPolitics 113755 followers
8:36 am ET on Wed, Mar 20th, 2013 RETWEET | FOLLOW
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