image of traffic
Researchers study technology, policy and operational issues associated with freight transportation as well as issues regarding the interconnection of other modes.

Multimodal Freight Transportation

The Multimodal Freight Transportation programs research technology, policy, and operational issues associated with freight transportation as well as issues associated with the interconnection of modes. In addition to freight transportation, the multimodal group also researches issues associated with intercity passenger rail and proposed High Speed Rail (HSR) systems throughout the U.S. Research units within the multimodal group include:

The staff and associated personnel include professional researchers from academic backgrounds including transportation and industrial engineering, as well as urban and regional planning, computer science, transportation management, and economics. Their expertise includes transportation operations and analysis, computer modeling software design and development, structural dynamics, soil mechanics and dynamics, data collection and management, advanced systems applications, and the development of technology transfer strategies. Researchers frequently present papers, lectures, and training sessions on their studies at locations throughout the U.S.

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