McConnell: Dems have "voracious appetite" for taxes

Senate minority leader maintains the debate over taxes "is over"

More "high-wire acts" on D.C.'s horizon for guns, spending?

Incoming Senators Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Chris Murphy, D-Conn., share what they hope for in the coming years. Plus, insight from two Congressmen who have been out of the Capitol for a number of years, Rep. Rick Nolan, D-Minn., and Rep. Matt Salmon, R-Ariz., plus Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Penn.

Will a shutdown be necessary?

David Sanger and Rana Foroohar discuss what they think it will take Congress to solve the upcoming budget battle.

Face in the News: Pelosi, McConnell, and Congressional Panel

A round-up of the news made on the January 6th edition of "Face the Nation".

"Face the Nation" transcripts January 6, 2013: Pelosi, McConnell, Flake, Murphy, Kelly, Salmon, Nolan

CBS News' Bob Schieffer hosts the hour-long program on the latest political news

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