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Rush Limbaugh Incites Violence Against Women Seeking Abortion

By Amanda Marcotte
Friday, January 18, 2013 11:26 EST

As everyone here reading knows, terrorism is a major concern for abortion providers. Just the other night, I went to an event for Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health, and one of the doctors speaking wasn’t on the advertising materials because the FBI believes the threats against his life are credible. Clinics are routinely vandalized, targeted for arson, and threatened. Doctors and staff are threatened, harassed, and as you all know, assassinated. But by and large, anti-choice militants are more interested in shaming and harassing patients than threatening or killing them. The main reason is that they’re interested in keeping up the front of being “pro-life”, and killing a pregnant woman means killing that ever-important fetus inside her.

But recently, anti-choicers have grown a bit tired of  pretending that this is about “life” and instead tipping their hand more frequently to the fact that this is about punishing women for being sexual beings. The war on contraception makes it hard to pretend you care about fetuses, even though they do try to tie it back to that as often as possible with flimsy excuses, like pretending that cutting off family planning subsidies won’t lead to more abortions. So it makes sense that, in this environment, Rush Limbaugh would go ahead and put violence against women seeking abortion—which had previously been a no-no amongsts antis to talk about—on the table.

You know how to stop abortion? Require that each one occur with a gun.

While most of us think of Limbaugh as an ass clown who should never be taken seriously, for the far right that creates the pool for potential anti-abortion terrorists to come from, this guy is a god. And if not to them directly, to the people around him, so these ideas will trickle out. The far right’s discourse is structured along a “how far can we go?” kind of framework, and they’re constantly looking to each other for “permission” to take it to the next level. Well, now Limbaugh has given them that permission. Killing women seeking abortion has been put on the table.

And boy how he put it on the table! It’s hard not to picture what “abortion by gun” would look like: A sort of rape by gun followed by the violent murder of the woman. It’s taking the subtext of gun nuttery—and how nuts feel that guns give them symbolic phallic power—and making it straight up text. That’s not subtly giving permission, but practically an invitation.

As a side note, it’s interesting to me how many wingnuts turn to abortion the second guns are mentioned. Couldn’t make it more clear that gun nuttery is part of a larger constellation of a psycho-sexual obsession with masculine dominance. Must have MORE GUNS while making sure that women are firmly relegated to a second class citizen status, unable to exert basic control over their bodies. Ugh.

Why Is Pushing Creationism So Damn Important to Wingnuts?

By Amanda Marcotte
Thursday, January 17, 2013 10:14 EST

One thing I kind of love, as a lover of dramatic irony going down in real life, is contrasting the inevitable elders squawking “kids these days” with the actual realities of how irritatingly great kids these days often are. Like 19-year-old Zack Kopplin, who is making news going on the rampage against voucher schools that are basically being established with an eye towards using public funding for religious instruction. He has an editorial up at…


The NRA Uses Uppity Obama Card to Sell More Guns

By Amanda Marcotte
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:56 EST

Boy, what’s it with the NRA and their disdain for the very real threat of assassination that black leaders face? First they put Gun Appreciation Day on MLK weekend, because there’s no time like the public mourning of an important leader felled by a racist gunman to celebrate guns. Now…


Kind Old Man Harassed by Sandy Hook Truthers; Gun Industry Keeps Counting Money

By Amanda Marcotte
Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:27 EST

As anyone can tell you who has dealt with gun nuts and isn’t in thrall to the mainstream media mandate to treat people as rational simply because they’re powerful, they tend to cultivate levels of paranoia so high that it’s actually stunning there’s so many of them. We’re talking levels…


Investment Bankers V Kitty Cats: The Revelation

By Amanda Marcotte
Monday, January 14, 2013 11:00 EST

The other alternative is that cats are financial geniuses. Via Gawker, here’s a story about a competition of stock-picking between experienced investment bankers, students, and a cat named Orlando, who is very cute: The Observer put the team together, with the students and investment bankers using their preferred stock-picking methods,…


Anti-Feminist Press Crows Over Book Celebrating Domestic Abuse, Then Finds Out How Bad It Can Get

By Amanda Marcotte
Friday, January 11, 2013 10:25 EST

I had largely ignored the press around a memoir by Alisa Valdes called The Feminist and The Cowboy, which was being slobbered over by the anti-feminist press as some kind of massive truth-telling about the “nature” of men and women, sticking it to those stupid feminists who emasculate men with…


Use This Blog To Complain About the Oscars

By Amanda Marcotte
Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:42 EST

Looking over this year’s Oscar nominees, I’m reminded once again why I’ve found it harder and harder to justify dropping $15 to go to a movie anymore. Out of the Best Picture nominees, I’ve only bothered to see two, and one of them would have been way better as a…


Rape Is Not An Accident

By Amanda Marcotte
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 10:06 EST

With all attention being paid to rape culture lately—which is good!—I’m seeing a not-so-good consequence of it, which is a number of people, some well-intentioned, perpetuating the myth that rape frequently occurs on accident. This myth has grown up in place of the discredited (though still popular) myth that women…


Better Fathers and Husbands Through Feminism

By Amanda Marcotte
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 10:33 EST

You knew it was coming. It’s so obvious that mass shooting—and the general problem of men who feel entitled to take out their rage by killing others—is a problem that stems in no small part from male privilege generally, and so those who strongly believe that straight men should be…


A Single, Repulsive Dude Online Cannot Tell Us About All Men and Women

By Amanda Marcotte
Monday, January 7, 2013 9:58 EST

Last week, Dan Slater at the Atlantic wrote what may be the worst piece on online dating I’ve ever read, which is a truly remarkable feat in such a competitive field. Slater’s theory is that because online dating sites are a magical wonderland where men can meet and fuck an…

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