How To Join

Join the LOCKSS Alliance! Engage and collaborate to ensure your collection, preservation and access needs are met now and in the future.

Publishers participate in the Global LOCKSS Network for no cost. While openings are limited, we welcome hearing from you. Please contact us for an evaluation.

Libraries that participate in the Global LOCKSS Network pay a small fee to receive:

  • Technical support to bring online and maintain a LOCKSS Box
  • Locally own collections from over a quickly growing list of publishers for 100% perpetual access
  • The tools to shape the scope and content of their LOCKSS assets in line with local priorities, adding value to their library
  • Strategic opportunities for community engagement, magnifying and leveraging local activities

2012 fees for libraries and institutions in the United States are below. Fees for libraries in the United Kingdom are here. Please contact us if your institution is outside the United States or the United Kingdom.

Institution Size
Annual Fees
Very Large Research Universities $ 11,180
Large Research Universities $ 9,940
Medium Doctoral/Research Universities $ 8,490
Large Master’s Colleges and Universities $ 5,383
Medium Master’s Colleges and Universities $ 4,600
Small Master’s Colleges and Universities $ 3,815
Baccalaureate Colleges $ 2,236

Contact Us about Private LOCKSS Network participation.