API:Watchlist feed

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Language: English
MediaWiki API

Quick overview:

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MediaWiki version: = 1.9

This module is to present either the current users, or else, with the correct token any other users on the wiki, Watchlist in an RSS or Atom format.


  • feedformat: The format of the feed to return. Either rss (default) or atom
  • hours: List pages modified within this many hours from now. The value must be between 1 and 72. Default is 24
  • allrev: Include multiple revisions of the same page within given timeframe
  • wlowner: The user whose watchlist you want (must be accompanied by token if it's not you)
  • wltoken: Security token that requested user set in their preferences
  • wlexcludeuser: Do not list changes made by this given user
  • wltype: Only list certain types of changes (available from MW1.22wmf4)
    • edit: Regular page edits
    • external: External edits
    • new: Page creations
    • log: Log entries
  • wlshow: Only list revisions that meet these criteria. Conflicting options (such as minor and !minor) cannot be used together. Use names below separated by a pipe
    • minor: Only list minor edits
    • !minor: Don't list minor edits
    • bot: Only list bot edits
    • !bot: Don't list bot edits
    • anon: Only list edits by anonymous users
    • !anon: Only list edits by registered users
    • patrolled: Only list patrolled pages
    • !patrolled: Don't list patrolled pages
  • linktodiffs: Link to change differences instead of article pages
  • linktosections: Link to changed sections instead of whole article pages – if possible


Get the current users Special:Watchlist as a feed.