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MediaWiki API

Quick overview:

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MediaWiki version: = 1.12

Token[edit | edit source]

To move a page, a move token is required. This token is equal to the edit token and the same for all pages, but changes at every login. A move token can be obtained as follows: Obtaining a move token

Moving pages[edit | edit source]

Pages can be moved with action=move.

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • from: The title of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with fromid
  • fromid: Page ID of the page you want to move. Cannot be used together with from
  • to: The new title you want to move the page to
  • token: The token obtained in the previous request. Take care to urlencode the '+' as '%2B'.
  • reason: The reason for the move (optional)
  • movetalk: Move the talk page, if possible
  • movesubpages: Move subpages, if applicable
  • noredirect: Don't create a redirect from the old title to the new one. Requires the suppressredirect right, which by default is granted only to group Bots; even admins don't have it!
  • watch: Add the page and the redirect to your watchlist
  • unwatch: Remove the page and the redirect from your watchlist
  • ignorewarnings: Ignore any warnings while moving

Example[edit | edit source]

Note: In this example, all parameters are passed in a GET request just for the sake of simplicity. However, action=move requires POST requests; GET requests will cause an error. Moving Main Pgae (sic) and its talk page to Main Page, without creating a redirect

Possible errors[edit | edit source]

All errors are formatted as:

<error code="code" info="info">
  • code: nofrom
    • info: The from parameter must be set
  • code: noto
    • info: The to parameter must be set
  • code: notoken
    • info: The token parameter must be set
  • code: cantmove-anon
    • info: Anonymous users can't move pages
  • code: cantmove
    • info: You don't have permission to move pages
  • code: cantmovefile
    • info: You don't have permission to move files
      • If file moving is disabled altogether, you'll get an immobilenamespace error instead
  • code: selfmove
    • info: Can't move a page to itself
  • code: immobilenamespace
    • info: You tried to move pages from or to a namespace that is protected from moving
  • code: articleexists
    • info: The destination article already exists and is not a redirect to the source article
  • code: protectedpage
    • info: You don't have permission to perform this move
  • code: protectedtitle
    • info: The destination article has been protected from creation
  • code: nonfilenamespace
    • info: Can't move a file to a non-file namespace
  • code: filetypemismatch
    • info: The new file extension doesn't match its type
  • code: mustbeposted
    • info: The move module requires a POST request

NOTE: If moving the page itself succeeded, but moving the talk page failed, the relevant error will be returned in the talkmove-error-code and talkmove-error-info fields.