Optimal Management Is The Key

Our world is always on, always connected—and applications are at the center of it. Investment in applications is critical to the future success of a modern enterprise, and optimally managing those applications is the key to greater efficiency, innovation and growth. But how do you invest in the future when you’re still locked into spending upwards of 65-80% of your IT budget maintaining the current environment? What if you had a better view and understanding of your current application portfolio investments and had a way to calibrate those investments for the greatest impact?

Rethink Your Applications Management

The answer is you can. But shifting your IT investments from maintenance to innovation requires you to rethink the way you manage your applications. Why? Because what got you here won’t get you there. It’s time to move beyond the “one size fits all” and “all-in-one” fixed price models to a more dynamic service delivery approach where applications are effectively measured and managed based on the business value associated with them. One that gives you deeper insight into your applications so that you can better control your portfolio, optimize your costs, and drive change within your organization.

Next Generation Applications Management

HP Next Generation Applications Management helps you successfully move from an IT-centric delivery model to a dynamic service delivery model. Built on client choice and clarity, our holistic set of services empowers you to optimally manage your applications. How? We hand you the levers of control so that you can choose the best strategy to continually adapt and change with your business – ultimately allowing you to flip the maintenance to innovation ratio and balance your portfolio for sustainable business outcomes.

Our tiered levels of service give you the flexibility to specify the appropriate levels of support based on the business value of each application. Through our predictive pricing and adjustable contracting models you can easily and quickly fine tune your investments to fit your changing business needs. And the application-level visibility you gain through our offering provides the insight you need on pricing, cost drivers, support levels, and performance to make the best recommendations for aligning your application spend to business priorities. And the best part is…you can use the resulting savings of up to 40% to reinvest in innovation and drive growth required by the business.

HP Portfolio Management

HP Portfolio Management offers you a new level of transparency through advanced analytics to systematically balance the portfolio and sustain the maintenance-to-innovation ratio. Our techniques and tools for analysis, governance, flexibility management, and continuous improvement helps you better control your investments for the greatest impact.


How to revolutionize your approach to applications management

Applications Management Services: It’s a New Era

Break the IT maintenance vs. innovation gridlock – Ed Quinn, Vice President