
S Marketing

S Marketing is a column that focuses on the professional services industry, specifically discussing trends and news around smart, sensible, strong and strategic services that move the business needle.


Articles in this feature

  1. Apr 04, 2011

    A Celebration for Every Customer
    ... I walked into a store today, crammed with people.... The vibe was hot, full of folks lusting after technology, gathering trying and buying new tools and toys. But there was one thing that stopped me in my tracks. Mid way through my purchase process, which was fairly un-exciting, everyone stopped what they were doing all over the store, literally hundreds of people, and started applauding with vigour. The whole store erupted into cheers... Find out why, and read three important tips for how you can create a similar vibe for your business here....
  2. Mar 17, 2011

    Flexible 'Shop Kits' Make Retailers More Competitive with the Internet
    the retailer is looking for a new solution save him money and help him tackle the looming problem of price competitiveness that the Internet is rapidly bringing forth, before it becomes systemic. And the solution is coming in a new approach to retail design and fitout. A design that improves customer experience and decreases costs of fitout and operation. The Shop Kit.
  3. Nov 26, 2010

    Giving Clients a Memorable “Customer Experience”
    “Customer Experience” is an integral part of the sales process. It is a step that can build trust and bind a client to you with unspoken loyalty.
  4. Nov 08, 2010

    Build an Empire or Drive Innovation?
    One of the surest strategies for creating a talked-about business is to put the emphasis on innovation.
  5. Sep 23, 2010

    Neglecting Old Relationships is Wasting Time and Money
    How many times have old relationships passed you by?
  6. Aug 29, 2010

    Selling Your Services is Selling Yourself - 5 Simple Steps
    Most professionals loathe to admit to themselves that selling their services is selling themselves.
  7. Aug 03, 2010

    Make A Tender Response "A Winner"
    Do you nail every tender response you write?
  8. Jun 28, 2010

    Discount or Die? Marketing Services in an ocean of hungry piranhas
    Competition is fierce out there at the moment. With government work abating, little capital flowing into private property markets, and the infrastructure sector “on hold”, less money is finding its way down the food chain to the consultants that provide services to our core industries.
  9. Jun 08, 2010

    Handling Branding Through Mergers and Acquisitions
    The integration of brands, and the evolution of two firms into one co-operative company, is not a short or simple process, and will never be easy, but it can be logical, tactical and planned with precision.
  10. Jun 08, 2010

    Marketing by Accident: No Thanks
    Some businesses sputter along from month to month, doing just enough marketing to make ends meet by pure accident. Others take a proactive approach to their marketing and communications and business development and find themselves in the fortunate position of being able to choose their customers and grow their business in a conscious way.
  11. May 15, 2010

    16-Year-Old Aussie Teen Sails into New Hot Brand
    Jessica Watson dreamed a dream, planned her execution, then worked extremely hard to live it out, persevering through the discomfort and reality of her choices until the very end. It is a wonderful Personal Branding story.
  12. May 13, 2010

    A Marketing Succession Plan for Your Services Business
    The building of a new generation of faces within a services business can take years to occur
  13. May 13, 2010

    Creating Word of Mouth Scientifically
    Why aspire to look like your competitors and deliver to industry standards when you can exceed and differentiate your business, creating Word of Mouth (WOM) Marketing.