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Your recurring contribution will be processed automatically for the number of installments you specify. You can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time. You will receive an email receipt for each recurring contribution. The receipts will include a link you can use if you decide to modify or cancel your future contributions.

Choose your gift
Thank you for supporting CC! Please select your gift below. If you chose the monthly donation option, we will be sending you a special gift this coming November.
Team Open trading cardsTeam Open trading cards
Set of 12 trading cards featuring Luke Surl's Team Open cartoons.  (Contribute at least $ 25.00 to be eligible for this gift.)

2013 T-Shirt Pack2013 T-Shirt Pack
New Team Open t-shirts with a pack of 12 Team Open trading cards.  (Contribute at least $ 75.00 to be eligible for this gift.)

2013 Hat Pack2013 Hat Pack
New CC cap (Flexfit Wooly Combed Twill) with a pack of 12 Team Open trading cards.  (Contribute at least $ 100.00 to be eligible for this gift.)

All of the aboveAll of the above
All of our 2013 gifts - pack of 12 trading cards, t-shirt, & CC cap.  (Contribute at least $ 250.00 to be eligible for this gift.)

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Creative Commons will add a link to the websites of individuals or businesses that donate $1000 or more.

Four-Star Charity GuideStar Exchange Gold