2012 Taking the Initiative WIPO Strategic Realignment Program, Taking the Initiative, 2012

2013 Embracing Change WIPO Strategic Realignment Program, Embracing Change, 2013



WIPO Strategic Realignment Program

Our Objective for the Strategic Realignment Program is for WIPO to be a responsive, efficient organization, equipped to provide global leadership on IP issues and to achieve its Strategic Goals. 

In seeking to accomplish its mission of promoting innovation and creativity through a balanced and effective international intellectual property system, WIPO operates in a highly dynamic and changing environment.

The challenges we face include addressing the stress on patent and copyright systems as a result of rapid technological change, globalization and increased demand, reducing the knowledge gap between developed and developing countries, and ensuring that the IP system continues to serve effectively its fundamental purpose of encouraging creativity and innovation in all countries. The Strategic Realignment Program (SRP) was launched in order to equip the Organization to address the challenges.

The SRP is an ambitious program with 19 inter-related initiatives. It aims to bring new focus to the Organization’s culture and values, greater efficiency in our business processes and better alignment of our programs, structure and resources to our nine Strategic Goals.


Our Core Values

The 19 SRP initiatives each contribute to strengthening our four Core Values PDF, Strategic Realignment, Core Values:

  • Service orientation – we increase our responsiveness to global stakeholders and our customers are satisfied with our services;
  • Working as one – we work as an integrated, responsive and efficient entity that is fit for purpose and delivers value for money;
  • Accountability for results – we take ownership for our performance and achieve results;
  • Environmental, social and governance responsibility – we perform in an ethical manner and care about our staff, community and the environment.


Measuring Success

An annual Core Values Staff survey, in conjunction with the SRP results framework, will measure progress towards WIPO’s four Core Values. The following list of indicators form the SRP results framework:


Service Orientation
  • Satisfaction of member states, users and other stakeholders with business services provided by WIPO;
  • Satisfaction of member states, users and other stakeholders with overall service provided by WIPO;
  • Service orientation of WIPO staff;
  • Awareness of IP and its role in encouraging creativity and innovation and of WIPO’s mission and activities.
Working as One
  • Perception from staff that WIPO “Works as One”;
  • An up-to-date and enabling management and administrative infrastructure;
  • Streamlined and efficient administrative processes and procedures;
  • Degree of compliance from organizational units with established timing for closure of financial accounts.
Accountability for Results
  • Management of organizational performance supported by organizational results;
  • Management of individuals’ performance in accordance with the organizational expected results;
  • Identification of staff with their individual and organizational goals;
  • Reliability of financial management.
Environmental, Social and Governance Responsibility
  • Performing in an ethical manner;
  • Caring about staff: diversity and equality;
  • Caring about community: access for people with disabilities;
  • Caring about the environment.


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