WIPO Observatory

Financial Reporting

Financial Management Reports

The Financial Management Report is published following the end of each biennium.


Annual Financial Statements

The WIPO financial statements are submitted to the Assemblies of the Member States in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules PDF, WIPO Financial Regulations and Rules. The 2010 financial statements are the first to have been prepared in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).

  • 2011 PDF, WIPO Annual Financial Statements 2011
  • 2010 PDF, WIPO Annual Financial Statements 2010


Key Financial Indicators

The key financial indicators give a graphical overview of WIPO’s historical and current financial situation:

  • Evolution of income, expenditure and reserves (2002 to 2009) PDF, Evolution of income, expenditure and reserves (2002 to 2009)
  • Evolution of income by source of income (2002 to 2009) PDF, Evolution of income by source of income (2002 to 2009)

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