How WIPO Works

The terms governing WIPO’s mandate, functions, finances and procedures are set out in the WIPO Convention.

Member States

WIPO’s member states determine the strategic direction and activities of the Organization. They meet in the Assemblies, committees and working groups (WIPO decision-making bodies).

There are currently 186 member states, i.e. over 90 percent of the countries of the world (membership criteria).

WIPO Management and Staff (Secretariat)

The staff of the WIPO Secretariat is drawn from more than 90 countries. They provide the skills and experience to deliver WIPO’s diverse services and programs, and to ensure the efficient administration of the Organization.

The respective divisions of the Secretariat are responsible for coordinating the meetings of member states and implementing their decisions; for administering the international IP registration systems; for developing and executing the programs designed to achieve WIPO’s goals; and for providing a repository of IP expertise to assist its members.

NGOs, IGOs, Civil Society

WIPO works with a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including other intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, representatives of civil society and of industry groups. Some 250 NGOs and IGOs currently have official observer status at WIPO meetings. WIPO observers and admission criteria.

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