All articles published in October 2013

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  1. October 4, 2013

    Meet Susan Bennett, the Real Voice Behind Siri
    CNN reporter Jessica Ravitz was interviewing a voice-over actress, when she came to the realization that the voice she was hearing was very, very familiar....
  2. Sprint M2M OBD2 Devices Can Curb Teens Texting and Driving
    We all know texting and driving is bad, yet we can't seem to stop ourselves or our teens. Sprint M2M offers a solution in a simple OBD2 device.
  3. October 2, 2013

    Waze and Eminem team up to inadvertently promote distracted driving
    Whoops. Waze (owned by Google) is running a contest with Eminem to promote his new album. Of course, it requires their target demographic in this — teens — to stare at their phones while driving.
  4. October 1, 2013

    Six seconds to a clean mouth with 3D-printed toothbrush
    A clean mouth in only six seconds? Nine out of ten dentists are probably shaking their heads in disbelief.
  5. Bryan Srabian of the San Francisco Giants shares secrets to sports social media success
    Tasked with keeping the Giants' fanbase engaged throughout the entire year, Srabian discusses strategies for keeping your marketing messaging on the social forefront during even the slowest times of the year.
  6. Discussing marketing's future at FutureM
    Interview with Debi Kleiman, President of the Massachusetts Innovation and Technology Exchange and the Host of FutureM, the annual event experience about the future of marketing.
  7. Moving Past Dedicated Review Sites
    Dedicated review sites are less important as reviews pop up everywhere on the Internet